Print the reverse string in js due to tomorrow

>print the reverse string in js due to tomorrow
>didnt even start

Am I fucked?

Attached: 33.jpg (368x266, 14.86K)

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Just go through the array backwards you idiot

var s = "string";
s = s.reverse();

ur welcum

Cant use reverse(). Probably this is some leetcode exercise about algorithms.

>Probably this is some leetcode exercise about algorithms.
A reverse for loop is neither leetcode nor an algorithm exercise, it's checking to see if you know basic problem solving.


const reverse = (s) => {
let rev = ""
for (let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
rev += s[i]
return rev

oh shit
you can't do that it's illegal
whoever assigned that is a sicko

var reverse = require('reverse-string');

//=> 'tset'


>t. code golfer

const s = "string"
const sr = s.split("").reduce((c, acc) => acc + c, "")

cum and sage

Where are your commas faggot?

Exec(perl -e "print scalar reverse("this is what they took from you"), "\n";")

Attached: artworks-sUZuSm54AvHM5DzC-sRJf4A-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 31.94K)

This looks good but I dunno if I can use.

This probably what they want.

Also how do I jar the js files? with npm or webpack? Do i need a main, except and test classes?

>Also how do I jar the js files? with npm or webpack? Do i need a main, except and test classes?
Are you retarded?

@ string in r0

@ find end of string in r1
mov r1, r0
ldrb r2, [r1], #1
cmp r2, #0
bne .L1
sub r1, #1

@ reverse string
cmp r0, r1
ble .L3
ldrb r2, [r0]
ldrb r3, [r1]
strb r3, [r0], #1
strb r2, [r1], #-1
b .L2

bx lr

Untested and written on phone, have fun.

Are you sure this assignment is JavaScript and not Java, user?

>these are the people I share a board with

Attached: 1628472807190.gif (300x300, 510.44K)

nigger are you retarded this is so easy i don't even use js

var s = "OP is a faggot.";

// just gonna assume C forloops werk
for (var i = s.length(); i > 0; ++i)

I have no idea what the equals are, but basically that.

Here is a stack cringed solution

const reverse = str => {
const stack = []
for(let c of str)
let result = ""
result += stack.pop()
return result

Yes, it is js but shouldnt i have the exception and test in different classes and different packages?
Am I supposed to only shit this for loop in a single file? In js people put all the classes in a single package?