Holy fuck I am actually just a femcel. Not even joking. Nearly 20 and I’m a Virgin. I’m fat. Hugless but not kisslees

Holy fuck I am actually just a femcel. Not even joking. Nearly 20 and I’m a Virgin. I’m fat. Hugless but not kisslees.
Any femanons have any tips for imperson dating advice?

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*inperson fml

Post a selfie, no lips

Lose weight first, you will be more healthy and feel better. Weight is lost by eating less, not exercise. Exercise is still healthy.

>step 1
stop being fat

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Become less fat

Most of my weight is due to a lot of soda, actually don’t eat a lot. Any good alternatives for fizzy drink?

Onto this website?? Never

drink water with lemon instead or just plain water, soda is fucking cancer
I lost alot of weight limiting myself to a bottle every 2 weeks, and after a while I didn't want even that


Ty user!! :D

Tits or gtfo

Stop drinking soda wtf

Don't waste calories with liquid. The worst thing when trying to lose weight is to drink high caloric drinks like juice or sodas.

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U first

I’ve switched to fruit juices and flavored waters but that shit is so mid I just want a Dr Pepper man VPD

So I’m just supposed to drink water,, all the time? Man that sucks but I’ll take the advice

Not femanon, but I managed to go from somewhat chubby to extremely skinny. Finish up what’s in your cabinets and then eat only salad wraps/fruit. Record your calorie intake and make sure you are running a roughly 30-40% deficit. Take walks (optional but helps). Only drink milk/water. Do weekly weighings to see where you stand. Over time you should see a decrease, it worked for me at least.

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Thanks! Super helpful advice, actually fucking useful omg

You can drink coffee or tea, just don't add sugar and cream

I don't know what you look like but I feel like the obvious answer would be to lose weight. And maybe shape your eyebrows and curl your eyelashes if you don't like makeup.

juice is just as bad, way too much sugar. just drink water it isnt that hard wtf

I’m so sorry dawg. I just have an addiction to carbonated drinks. Getting off that shit is hard!