This overpaid nigger dying was the funniest thing to happen this decade...

This overpaid nigger dying was the funniest thing to happen this decade, and that’s saying something! Stupid hoopnigger couldn’t even keep his ugly niglet safe. After all his “talent”, fame, and money couldn’t make him less of a retarded ape. I hope Kobe survived the initial crash and saw his whore daughters skull caved in by a piece of shrapnel, knowing that he failed as a man, and then died in the blaze afterward.

Watching chicks cry in bars over that sportnigger was hilarious. Peak clown world. Fuck niggers and FUCK Kobe.

Attached: Hoops Poophurler.jpg (944x900, 622.43K)

Who hurt you

With your minimum wage job it would take you over a million years to make as much money as he did


dead and still living in your head rent free. typical cuck

Damn bro I’m not a fan of niggers but you’ve got something seriously wrong with you

>implying that retards on this board can get jobs

Hello, faggot jews. Have I upset you?

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lol you dumb monkey... 8 crackers also died with this nigger kobe hehe

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I’m the writer of this pasta, I applaud you user. I stumbled on this because I was about to post it myself

The jews are dunking on you

hahahah ur so funny XD le epic troll u mad bro?

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Based beyond all rationale, niggers suck and a dead one should be applauded, especially dancing monkeys propped up by kikes

He signed a 3.5 million dollar contract at 17. What have you done?

>He signed a 3.5 million dollar contract at 17
To do what? To be a dancing monkey for kikes? To be the only thing niggers aspire to be because they’re too fucking stupid to do anything worth a shit? If someone offered me a billion dollars to go on TV and act like a retard and do nothing of value, I’d tell them to fuck off, only kikes and niggers care about money that much

Pov: you’re a fucking retard

Your completely full of shit if you would turn down a billion dollars to be on tv

I’m glad you think so, it proves how much more integrity I have than you. Fuck your kike shekels. Lead is better than silver or gold

>>Lead is better than silver or gold
Its worthless if you never use it which you wont

This is what fedposting looks like everyone

If I was a fed I would encourage you to use it

You are a fed.

Okay you just keep stockpiling for the race war that's never going to happen

Talk at you later glowie