You know this trans rights are human rights thing was funny for a while...

You know this trans rights are human rights thing was funny for a while, but honestly it is pretty worrying how people enable and even encourage such a severe body dysmorphia.

We universally accept anorexic and bulimic people that they are not well. They aren't given "thin people" status in the eye of the law, and given tax funded black suits and sunglasses.

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Why do you care what happens to other people?

Ok but why should I care about people who are just doing shit to their body. It's like bawling your eyes out over people getting circumcised because they did something with their dick

We live in a society.
As much as this sentence have been ironically memed, it is still true. It's implications are that we shape our social environment and the way we live in it. Most people don't think about good or bad in an objective way, they think about what others approve of or not.

Making invasive medical treatments over a whim, while you were in your sexually experimenting and confused stage of your life, is bound deform society in the long-term in a way that is not beneficial for it.

Society is just other people.
Why do you care what happens to society?

Circumcised people are an interesting parallel. I don't think I've met anyone who was circumcised by choice, rather it was done to them when they had no say in the matter. And since it is irreversible, they just decided to live with it.

Thing is though that circumcised people use the same bathrooms as non-circumcised ones. You can spend your entire life knowing a person and having no clue which category they are. They do not request the government to judge them in a court of law differently from people with foreskins.
I don't mind gays either when they act like people.

I live in that society. It is unfortunate, but nothing I can do about it. I have to breathe the same air, walk the same streets, occasionally use the same commute, stand in the same line at the grocery store. I am involved whether I like it or not.

I still don't get why you care. Are you unable to live, breath, walk the streets, commute, or stand in lines with certain people?

there is a line between literately eating 2 grains of rice and a cup of water per day and just taking hormones. while i agree transgender people tend to jump the boat into trannydom pretty fast because of the resources available and the support, i think we should all be accepting and encourage going to a therapist before taking crossdressing, surgery and shit. i would not be surprised if many transgenders are the way they are because of some trauma or something that happened in their lives. much like other universally accepted coping methods that really aren't healthy like setting meaningless tattoos and partying alot.

>They do not request the government to judge them in a court of law differently from people with foreskins.
>I don't mind gays either when they act like people.

Its almost like youre just drawing the line at just whether or not they look like a freak. Which, i get it, but thats why foreskin is an interesting paralell; it just boils down to the differences between you being something that can be hidden from you or not, O' mighty arbiter

Stop samefagging.

you know you can just check for samefag, genius?
>unique ip goes from 4 to 5

Well don't get me wrong, I am not in the "kill all trannies" crowd. Just that when someone is trying to invent themselves a gender-bent alter ego in their mind and then try to shape themselves into it, that seems like a cry for help if I ever seen one.
Trying to find out what is the root of them doing that in the first place and addressing that is much better.

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OG troonie fr fr no cap famalam

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Imagine the stench!

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Do you wanna fuck me?

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She passed bigots!!!!!!!!

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It's funny that trans people should get special priviledge and support. They are not more then the rest of us.

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>Its almost like youre just drawing the line at just whether or not they look like a freak.
Huh, I guess I can see why it would seem that way. I have to admit, I would be lying if I said it isn't part of it. I wonder at what point did I deemed that being gay is not a mental issue, just a psychological quirk.

Anyways, what about being sent into female prisons as a trans man? (I can never remember which one is that, but I mean the guy acting like a girl not the other way around).
Grooming also worries me, but that is not specifically a trans issue.

>We universally accept anorexic and bulimic people that they are not well.
Unironically when is this gunna change. Let me be skinny in peace. If I have to psych ward one more time I'm literally gunna hunger strike myself to death

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Right, you are either accept that they are infirm and unwell, and need to be treated with kid's gloves, or that they have equal rights with the rest of us.

I dont identify as trans but most people would see me as trans. The whole trans agenda is boring af and annoying. I'm not interested in respecting your pronouns or pretending you're a woman if you're not. If you all just calmed down and stopped talking about being trans for 5 minutes, people might actually start liking you more. That is all

i didn't assume you hate. i think mental health is, has been, and probably will always be something you either just don't talk about (ignore), or romanticise. i feel sorry for the kids that can't figure themselves out. people always want to find fast and effective solutions. tired all the time? go sleep more and workout, while they help, there is more than that. too many examples of people with deep seated self hatred and self harm scars because their parents wanted to use their own methods. feel bad about your body? just change it beyond repair! im sure it's just a superficial part of your life and you wont have deep seated regrets later down the line.