OK, so you're pro life. That means you're against the death penalty, right?

OK, so you're pro life. That means you're against the death penalty, right?

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Pro “birth”

After that, they’re “go fuck yourself”

yes. i also am pro unusual punishment.

just like with abortion to question to ask is: what race is the convict?

>OK, so you're pro abortion. That means you're for the death penalty, right?

>OK, so you're pro abortion. That means you're for the death penalty, right?

I support abortion for every race except whites.

No, I am anti-abortion. Unborn children have committed no crime, they don't deserve to die. A death row inmate is the opposite - they had their life, their free will, and they chose to do something so heinous that 12 of their peers unanimously decided they deserved to die for it.

I'm anti baby murder.

Imagine being this much of a pussy.

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How does not wanting to murder a child make me a pussy?

>>free will
Ah yes, that thing that definitely exists.

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I'm glad you agree with me.

Because kids suck. Here's an ultimatum: you get to raise the kid you don't "want to murder." Sound good? If not, get fucked


I’m pro not murdering innocent lives.


The death penalty is intended to serve primarily as a deterrent, but when carried out, to remove dangerous and irredeemable people from society, eliminating the danger they present.

you got too many commas in your nonsensical post

No. Pro-life means your pro innocent life. That goes without saying you purposefully dense faggot. Death penalty is for killing not innocent life, and that's a good thing.

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I'm anti-abortion. You are pro-abortion.

There's no such thing as pro-choice. Choice to do what? It's like how Southerners say that the Civil War was about states' rights instead of slavery. A state's right to do what?

Until OOPS, a DNA profile proves the state murdered the wrong guy!

Ya can’t un-kill someone

Yeah, but if it's a nigger, then what's the real loss to society?

Save a women's life, and allow her to make that call for herself and her fetus. It’s not for me to make. I don’t like abortion, but I’m not the pregnant women.