How do we prevent mass shootings from occurring on a regular basis in our country?

How do we prevent mass shootings from occurring on a regular basis in our country?

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Criminalize Republicans

>How do we prevent mass shootings from occurring on a regular basis in our country?
Get rid of gun free zones, duh.

Ban guns and knives. No reason people should have weapons capable of death

Pretend there is no problem and or use scapegoats

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Get rid of incels

stop white males from buying guns

Make it illegal.

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london is a perfect example of why that doesn't work

if you don't fix the social issues causing these problems like a lack of community, a lost generation with no future or direction, the media (huge problem in the US, glorifying killers over victims).

Poland lets you buy assault rifles without a permit. Poland is by far from perfect, but they don't have the gun violence or mass shooting issues that we have.

If you take away the methods but leave the culture and the issues, you're just changing the tools of destruction not the outcome

most mass shooters are young black males caught up in gang warfare. They're far from incels

A handful of people dying every so often is the price to pay to prevent a dictatorial government from taking full control and murdering people at will.

For instance, Trump was seen as a threat to the country by demos, Hitler 2.0

But if he did become what everyone feared then the one thing democrats would ACTUALLY need is the second amendment

Banning guns seems more practical to me.

dictatorial boogeyman trope is tired.

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Doesn’t make it less valid

What, are you gonna ban cars when a school psycopath starts running people over en masse and the rest of them realise that that’s the way they’ll start exacting their revenge?

Banish the cia, literary no mass shootings until just b4 the midterms, hmmm, kindoff, sus, aint it.

It does, tho

All mass shooters are democrats

sOmEoNe QuAnTiFiEd An IdEa So ItS nOt VaLiD aNyMoRe

white males aren't really doing this in scandinavia, the balkans, eastern europe.
andres brevik was a perfect example of why it isn't a regular occurrence. In the US they fixated on him and in Norway they soley focused on the victims. To this day the odd article will pop up about him complaining that his luxurious prison treatment isn't good enough. The US media has an unhealthy obsession with psychopaths. Which fuels angry, disillusioned fuckheads that want to die in infamy

just because something seems more practical doesn't mean it is.

Do we want to prevent them?

Shall not be infringed

You absolutely cannot buy an assault rifle in poland without a gun permit (the permit is vert hard to get btw) niger

Why? The fewer Americans the better.

It would require media co-operation, which isn't gonna happen anytime soon.

The American left just wants to disarm a demographic that they despise, whether or not it actually solves the mass shooting problem is immaterial to them.

Here in America a crisis is not a wakeup call to search for a solution, its an opportunity to advance one's agenda in the culture war.

I agree. Arming civilians with fire arms in hopes of overthrowing drones, tanks and nuclear weapons seems stupid as well

its a tired trope because we've managed to fend it off for so long.

you're like the guy that thinks the volcano won't exploade because it hasn't happened in so long. Not realising that if anything it'll probably go off sooner than you think

most major powers and their political identity, they only remain consistent for around 300 years at best. The US has been a Democratic constitutional federal republic for a little over 300 years.

corruption spreads, people in power become complacent and the general public becomes disillusioned with the process hoping for something better, whether it is or not is upto what they replace it with.

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the fuck are you talking about buying assault rifles in poland lmao
straight from your ass

Pass out the pistols,
No one would pull out their gat if they knew everyone in the room was packing

sorry, you don't need a permit for open carry, I misread that

my main point still stands...nigger

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