Did Hitler really believe what he said about the Jews, or did he just say it to scapegoat them?

Did Hitler really believe what he said about the Jews, or did he just say it to scapegoat them?
Was it a case of true madness or a sinister political play?
Don't bother replying if you think the holocaust didn't happen. That's queer girly-boy talk.

Attached: whythough.jpg (1908x1146, 188.88K)

He didn't mean it. It was all just dark humor

it was just a joke. A little funny camp for goofy and laughs

Attached: blau.png (914x1391, 414.13K)

He was not a particularly intelligent person and as such had a black and white thinking. He, along with many germans, firmly believed that the Treaty of Versailles is a jewish plot.

>He was not a particularly intelligent person and as such had a black and white thinking.
kek, exactly like Democrats

well... lets have a look at what happened to he German economy one they got rid of the kykes..

Oh and btw how do you know what hitler said about the jews OP? Can you quote me one line from a Hitler speech? Do you speak german?

sissy boy

>well... lets have a look at what happened to he German economy one they got rid of the kykes..
Nothing good, german population was forced to donate their own money for 0% interest rate. Nazi economy was unsustainable.

He didn't really hate them, they were 1% of the population and easy to scapegoat. A common enemy unifies people. Just look at the libtards and their view of white straight males or police. The rhetoric is all bullshit but it's still unifies stupid people and then they do whatever the Democrats bidding is. So a bunch of fucking idiots and cowards followed the nonsense that he spewed cuz he knew that they would be stupid.

OP here. Don't respond to holocaust denialists. They'll just argue in circles.

That's what I think COULD be true, but I don't know if it actually is.
Another user said the opposite. I just want to know if there's any actual historical precedence for either one.

Ich hab Geschichte studiert und kann dir deshalb staatlich bestÃĪtigt sagen, dass du mal dein Maul halten solltest wenn du selbst vom dritten Reich keine Ahnung hast user

noone here denied the holocaust op... you must be new to say that on Any Forums anyway

I think you haven't spent enough time here.
That user is going to get into it eventually, don't you worry.

as I understand it Hitler said to the Jews, " If you are true Germans, you will lend us the money to rebuild Germany at a reasonable rate to your fellow German" Jews said NO, rate is 30%, no deal!!! and we know the rest of the story, LOL.

Am German (the dude who just responded in german was me) and I can tell you my opinion on your question if you want OP (I studied history myself and intesified my studies on the 3rd Reich)...
Reply if you're interested, also Denyers suck turds

no one truly believes the Jew thing except for schitzos and new fags

I'd definitely like to hear it, yeah. I've had this question for awhile now.

He has only one oppinion dude - because if he has the other one he goes to jail.

Germany and Russia have insanely strict denial laws that come with prison time. Be glad (I asume you are american) that you live in a country that allows you to say anything - even retarded shit.

Okay, so, in my opinion most def!
He on the one side needed a scapegoat to rectify the economic crisis germany had (which wasnt because of the jews but of the treadty of versailles after ww1)
And on the other hand, Hitlers dad (who was a postman) confronted him with antisemetic literature at a very young age.
As Hitler grew older and went into a homeless shelter for men, he continued reading this antisemetic literature, as it was also very common at that period of time to be racist, nationalist and antisemetic (twas like a trend as to say...)
So Hitler preached the "Jews are our demise" crap to the people who loved it (cuz it was reasonable for them at the time because the economy was shit).
And because he preached it so much, he strongly started to belive into new and new myths also brought to him by his antisemetic political collegues.

So in total, yes, Hitler belived it in my opinion, but not because he was purely evil, but because it made sense to him!

So he bought into his own hype?
Makes sense I guess. Did he suffer from any mental illnesses that would have exacerbated that?
He's often called "paranoid" but was that brought on by circumstance or sickness?

Don't forget, Hitler was a Jew himself.