People only give a fuck about those kids for the political points...

People only give a fuck about those kids for the political points, if the same amount of kids died by a bus no one would give a shit. They don't even give a shit about the thousands of kids that die every day from starvation, etc

Everyone is a bad actor.

Attached: th.jpg (541x225, 35.18K)

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No I'm actually pretty sure people also get sad when a bunch of kids die in an accident. You should go outside and see how actual human beings in the real world behave

the only way you could think this is if it's your own position because you are physiologically incapable of having empathy or realizing its actually something most people have.
most people see tragedy and feel bad for those involved.
most people would like to avoid future tragedies.
use your fucking brain. do you honestly believe people mad up giving a shit as a political cope?
I know its all cool and edgy to 'not give a fuck', but the idiots espousing it are just trying to justify their selfish bullshit. if you're dealing with someone who isn't reasonable and will ask away your life, yeah, stop caring. that's just not being a floormat. but if you see a bunch of kids get killed by a crazy moron and your first thought is "the libs are only pretending to care", you're a fucking disgrace.

>People only give a fuck about those fetuses for the political points, if the same amount of fetuses died through natural miscarriage no one would give a shit. They don't even give a shit about the thousands of newborns that die every day from starvation, etc

>Everyone is a bad actor.
Yup, both sides cheer for dead babies

nice whataboutism

>died by a bus no one would give a shit.
Well, yes they would. But you're comparing an accident, to the will of a lunatic with access to fully automatic firearms.

I can kinda see your point but this was a very retarded comparison

Any Forums really is filled with retards

Hope u live nowhere near a school and have zero access to a weapon. U sir, are the goddamn problem

>if the same amount of kids died by a bus no one would give a shit.

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>and see how actual human beings in the real world behave
yeah they groom children into castration at the age of 7

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This. Additionally, when kids die in school bus crashes, laws get changed to make school buses safer. Why? Because there is no fucking National Death Bus Association of Death Bus manufacturers lobbying congress to not pass bus safety laws.

>if the same amount of kids died by a bus no one would give a shit.
shut the fuck up yourt retarded cunt.

Attached: OP.jpg (640x512, 30.6K)

You're right, I actually don't give a fuck about this anymore. Nobody wants to acknowledge that it is American conservatives that have created and controlled all the conditions for this to happen on a daily basis. No one will ever hold them accountable and they only rise in popularity year after year because the people in this country are more interested in provocateurs and e-celebrities larping as politicians. This failed country deserves to have its schools shot up every day. I don't intend to do shit about it except buy more guns.


>fully automatic firearms.

This is how you know these are posts written by boomer shills for the DNC. They have zero understanding of guns.

People like you are why people are pissed.

I hope someone finds the shill farm you work at and drives a ryder truck into it. Faggot.

Op is autistic

the story behind this?

Just like like everything else you hope for, it'll never happen, because you're still battling shadows instead of the real threat. When every store, school, bus stop, metro stastion, and park in the country is littered with the dead when the Republicans activate their terror army you'll still be mincing about "pedocrats and groomers", unable to comprehend reality.

Looks to be two blue house, one with a nice rock chimney, a power pole and some power lines, trees 5 trees with browning leaves, two trees with green leaves, a white van, paved roads ,a small pocket of dirt, and a small spot of blue sky