Why are American zoomers so much more violent and deranged than zoomers everywhere else?

Why are American zoomers so much more violent and deranged than zoomers everywhere else?

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it was going on before zoomers

the shooter was a tranny
trannies need to be illegal

Because of Any Forums

Geez, it's almost as if hardcore capitalism with no social safety nets, horribly underfunded education, a predatory healthcare system, guns on every street corner, and no labor protections create violent, brainwashed retards!

bad parents.

>Because of Any Forums
kys tranny faggot
(did i do it rite guyz?)

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Don’t forget 24/7 misinformation news that pumps everyone full of outrage.

The biggest threat to America is some teenager who plays fortnite

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>I eat my cum and feces

Yes we know user, you didn’t have to skirt around that. You can be honest here

>guys look! this person just shoot up a school!!

not my problem

Because feds groom mentally unstable loners to cause atrocities so they can generate enough panic to infringe on our rights.

This is also true, yes. Oh, and people are pumped full of religion on a daily basis too.

Thoughts and prayers, user. You need only to invite him into you heart to receive his power.

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Can you blame anyone growing up in this world, honestly? Especially these losers who get bullied endlessly with dogshit home lives? They hate humanity. They hate themselves. They hate being alive. And everyday they get reminded of just how small and insignificant and unimportant they are. So they do this.

personally i blame the shit they pump into the water supply, BPA plastics, estrogen, all the other insane shit that gets done in modern society - and of course current deranged culture that would make the medieval times look like civilized society.

But maybe youre a leftoid and you think abortions are normal ? Yep .. Thought so.



You people are clearly hypocrites, and so painfully retarded. It is what it is.

The shooter was a tranny leftoid by the way. Thought you should know

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If you feed a child heavy doses of hate and fear every day of their lives then this is the result.

Max internet grooming + max access to guns + targets + repression + max copycatting + dysfunctional government


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gotta dance over them bodies

Hmm yes things were much better when there was lead in everything I am very smart

That wasnt the question, faggot. Work on your reading comprehension.

who cares lol

Impotent rage for the most part, but also mental health.
A majority of the school shooters are manlets, this most recent one was a tranny.

Instead of people getting help with their mental issues, it's being celebrated and encouraged.
So you get a 50% suicide rate and some go out like this.

Most likely because usage of psychoactive drugs is much more prevalent in the USA.