Call me a moralfag or what ever the fuck, but this is too much, America

Call me a moralfag or what ever the fuck, but this is too much, America.

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guns kill more guns everyday than people in the us. heart disease is still the number 1 killer so make sure you get it removed.

Fuck everyone in this country that isn't willing to enact major changes to our lives to do something about this.

Fuck thoughts and prayers. That hasn't done a damn thing either.

the incels on this board are just gonna say some dumb shit, not realizing how sad their existence is

You're fine with a million dead Iraqi children, but this is too much. Go die in a fire of your own making.

i just master bated so i have perfect clarity. 1. most living things are killled 2. mexican children are still held on the border in cages for years 3. 20 people being killed is no different than any other 20 people being killed. 4. it really has nothing to do with you

who even said that, nobody said that. you are insane

5. you are a bitch lol

stupid ass analogy, doesnt make sense its the real world. people use guns to kill people retard

All of them

i use mine to defend my property from apes.

well you should use yours to kys

Why do gun lovers want dead children?

>Biden America
This is what you guys voted for

you going to be ok there buddy? you alright there son?

i dont give a shit, there are kids dying everyday and you care about whether or not you have a gun? LOL you are a sad little man. no guns you would be nothing

fuck off suck my asshole

2nd amendment chump. go spill your heart blood somewhere else.

Never let a good tragedy go by without getting leftist shit enacted huh? How many kids die in Chicago from niggers shooting each other over the course of a year? You faggots never say a thing about that.

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awww little buddy. you'll be ok buddy. it will be alright son.

>no guns you would be nothing
thats the point
bad people will get a gun however they want because they want it

hows that war on drugs going on there mrs raegan?

Besides its not like banning guns helped europe
>ban assault guns
>made it so you needed a license for a hunting rifle with low rate of fire and low capacity
>knife attacks skyrocketed to the point where you as a citizen cannot own a swiss army knife, leatherman and you need to provide ID for butterknives

more people probably died from vehicle accidents since then in america alone. gun control and gun violence just generates more adspace and traffic for news sites

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But, bro, at least our precious fetuses are safe!

shitty ass amendment made by some old racist fucks like 200 years ago. you are crazy for bloodlust i know it, just waiting for someone to shoot like a psychopath i feel bad for anyone that are friends with you

It did help Europe you retard, they don't have maniacs shooting up schools every day.

yeah but stabbings are totally fine because at least its not a gun amirite?

america has had almost 200 mass shooting since 2022 started. there are kids dying everyday dude c’mon

taking down one person stabbing people is much easier than a gunman shooting down a classroom

yes, all of those "mass stabbings"

apples to apples kek

not really, you just made a stupid comment

We are constantly talking about gun violence but the government doesn't care about solving it.
"The profits of the arms dealers shall not be infringed"

Mexicans killing mexicans.Mexicans.. nothing new. There was a cartel hit the day before that killed just as many.. no shits given.

there is a world outside of where you live.

you just got pwned. deal with it.


there are people fighting everyday for this shit problem to be fixed, but you don’t want to listen because you’re ignorant and want to create this made up narrative that nobody is doing anything. people exist outside of your perception of the world retard

>there are parts of the amendments i like and some of them i dont like
doesnt work like that. if you take away one of them the rest are in danger

200 sounds like a lot for 6 months worth of time. 200 people sounds more viable

you will change your mind once a psyched out tyrone slashes up a dense packed area. christ i seen read some fucking stories in florida about some people on PCP taking 5-10 shots before going down. some fucking strung out dude with a knife clearing out a DMV on a monday or a mcdonalds on the 4th of july

Demographics are the problem, not guns.

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But the 2nd amendment..... good given right..... no one is taking my gun alive...... yeah yeah wankers we heard it all before.

if you drag your children to the border and they get held in cages it's better treatment than you gave them and you deserve no better. real immigrants have to 1. learn the language 2. have a sponsor 3. prove that they can make it here. showing up with nothing and not being able the speak the language, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM US.

it's disgusting because it's not fair to the rest of 6+ billion who live in much shittier underdeveloped nations that some assholes nearby get all the "free" access to this nation and its amenities.

They were brown kids. Nothing of value was lost.

You want the law abiding to suffer because of the lawless. You're a fucking idiot.

>332 million people in the US
>10 and 14 die to shootings
dont talk to me about perception

"Solving it" would mean deporting non-whites en masse.

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Suffer what...

Yeah, so funny.

Easy to say when they're not your kids fuckwit.

If only there was any other country in the world that didn't have mass shootings that could give us some CLUE as to what to do?

See what europoors don't understand is that part of Texas is basically Mexico, and Mexicans kill each other constantly. In fact, Latin Americans love murdering each other almost as much as Africans do. We don't care when black kids kill each other en masse in Detroit, but since this headline says "Texas" which many associate with the white, gun-loving right, the lefties are hopping all over this like it isn't normal. It is normal for Latin Americans, which is why we want to keep them out.

christ you are insane,
its okay to relook at old laws that can be reformed and be reworked to better a society thats constantly changing.

>you will change your mind once a psyched out tyrone slashes up a dense packed area. christ i seen read some fucking stories in florida about some people on PCP taking 5-10 shots before going down. some fucking strung out dude with a knife clearing out a DMV on a monday or a mcdonalds on the 4th of july

wow the classic made up situation, good one buddy

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It's not fair to the people to whom the nation belongs that shitty subhumans are let in to leech. If any immigration should be allowed at all, it should be restricted to PhDs from a handful of the top universities in the world.

suffer what? no gun? grow the fuck up pussy learn to fight with your hands like a man

Most countries laugh and love it when merican shoot each other,

You can tell midterms are coming up

true, but punishing the other 332m people for 1 person is fucked and you know it
more babies were probably born since that event to now

also holy shit, the world almost has 8 billion humans on it

Also kill yourself for comparing an infested country to uninfested countries.

Chicago with the strictest gun laws accounts got about 140 of these stfu if you don't know what you're talking about.

childrens lives were lost, dude i dont give a shit about the feelings of 332 million people.

Fucking Cia. This was done by the government, because this never happens to the people who actually deserve it.

wow but countries with stricter gun laws have had way less gun related crimes than america

Yeah because criminals will go along with that.Also what if you're old or handicapped? You're just fucked so a little fag like you can feel safe.

>i dont give a shit about the feelings of 332m people
that was probably the shooters train of thought as well
reporting your posts to the fbi incase you shoot up an internet cafe or something

No fucks are given, there are ten billion people in the world.

At least they are not pussies like the EU

a mexican tranny shot a bunch of [illegal alien] children? nothing of value was lost. well maybe the world lost a few future maids and grass cutters! lol

So there are 332m gun living fairs in Merica, no wonder the place is a fuck up.

You should be skinned and burned alive
I don't give a shit about your feelings because you'd make the world a better place by killing yourself

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>I'm report you to the people who make school shootings happen

Not countries with anywhere near as many spics and niggers.
Statistically, none of that 'gun related crime' is committed by whites.

consevetards still arguing guns and 2nd amendment. so how can we sway the minds of the conservetards to abolish their gun rights? WE NEED A KINDERGARTEN MASS SHOOTING OF CONSERVETARDS CHILDREN.