I am going to make a big microwave gun and destroy my neighbors stupid fucking smart house

I am going to make a big microwave gun and destroy my neighbors stupid fucking smart house

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You could do it with a USb antenna and a brain

Should probably just make me a hot pocket from 299 yards away instead

>you could bla bla mleb mla bla
Microwave gun

that house spent years studying to be called a smart house.

run a few loops of wire around the house and electrify it to EMP strike them basically

It will be a retard house when I'm done with it

I bet you wouldn’t eat my ass spread with I can’t believe it’s not butter though would you pussy?

Why not a big bomb? See how smart his house is then.

what about the smart house bothers you?

throw crystals at it (the house)

is your plan to double frequency to focus the wave like they do with speakers in museums maybe something more crude like a satellite dish? What is your plan?

I would vote emp and shut off all your own stuff first

How so? asumming you dont need access to their network

just wrap it in tinfoil. that fixes literally everything

Can I borrow it when you're done? There's this one shit who drives through the neighborhood with his bass rumblers at 190+dB...

tracking them down to their address would be going to far, but i think there is a solution to this, maybe calling in noise complaints, paint the local pd as the bad guy.

Track them down? I just want to gaussblast their speakers.

Do it

Have fun getting probed by the FCC. Expect a knock very soon. If they bother to knock that is.


Wouldn’t it be easier to hack it?