The worst part about all the mass shootings are the random foreigners pretending their countries aren't shitholes. Yes...

The worst part about all the mass shootings are the random foreigners pretending their countries aren't shitholes. Yes, I do mean "even worse than knowing people died in shootings" because I can't imagine anything worse than using a person who died as a cudgel to bash a country that literally doesn't care about you.

Britans are used to giving up their rights or getting fisted by the government, but at least they're aren't any mass shootings! Isn't that because you guys would get arrested for holding a spork in a threatening way?

Attached: giphy.gif (480x400, 1.82M)

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Just curious, what rights have the Brits given up?

Apparently, the UK is "enjoying" a gradual degradation of their rights. Just googling it, you'll see headlines like this

Though, I don't want to talk too much about it as I don't live there.

Attached: 1642299732965.jpg (2048x1956, 1.28M)

Only lived here 62 years thus far. The only tweeks to law we see is to clamp down on nutty behaviour.

You can't even watch the TV without a license, all of the news I get out of your side of the world is incredibly startling. Is Brexit and all of its implications not more alarming than school shootings?

Sensationalist spew from tabloids has always been a thing user. There is always reasoning behind judgements, and just like your country, they don't always get it right.

Based af

You have insane laws. Too bad. You also have very few rights.

Oh, the old TV licence gag. Yep and it's going to be abolished in 5 years time where I expect we will resort to advert laden stations were time is so precious we won't even get to see the end of programs or ads themselves because seconds are clipped off this and that. Brexit is a nothing burger, hardly mentioned over the last two years what with the Woohan Wheeze and Putin's personal war. Don't believe the Internet user, it's a weapon of misinformation

LOL, lived here my entire life. Retired at 58. Loving it. But you can tell me what 'rights' I don't have if you like.

Freedom of speech.

>Oh, the old TV licence gag.

I just like saying it because it sounds like a fake law some cartoon would have to show how bad the bad guys are. I can't believe the bongers have put up with a TV license for this long, but I do think the UK has serious issues with their rights. I'm not even talking about the stuff posted here:

I mean, and I'll admit this is from an outsiders perspective, I'm seeing some real degradation of rights coming out of Britan. And, as I said in the post above, googling it will show you the same things I'm saying.

Wow, you can't even call and obvious man who identifies as some freak "woman" as a man without it being some sort of hate crime. Your attempts to claim you have any measure of rights is really pathetic looking.

Brits are totally cucked.

Attached: 1642299252657.png (650x887, 224.15K)

I have lived in England for my entire life of 62 years. Retired at 58. Loving life and completely unaware of any of my 'rights' being eroded. But you can believe Google if you wish.

You're just a loser who sticks his head in the sand and ignores the shithole your country is devolving into. I hope your grand kids enjoy Sharia jackass.

You guys get arrested for online comments though. Isn't that a step up from not being able to verbally abuse people? Beyond that, and maybe this is a hot take, but I'm completely fine with freedom of speech exceptions as long as they aren't obnoxious. Harassing someone shouldn't be covered by FOS just because its speech, but you guys would arrest someone for saying mean words online.

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I appreciate that you're living a good life, but that's how this shit happens. I'm sure its not a hell scape over there, but the government slowly strips rights away piece by piece so that people won't notice or care. In fact, saying "I don't notice it, so believe what you want" leads me to believe it is happening. Oh, and I already said "I don't live there, so I don't want to act like I know everything" or something like that.

I'm not the britfag and agree with you completely. You can go to jail for having the wrong opinion in britland. What a horrible place.

While I don't subscribe to many peoples way of living, I believe they should have the right to do as they feel fit, just as I enjoy doing so. I shouldn't have the right to insult, bully or generally make their life worse because it doesn't fit my ideals. But then, I don't allow the garbage on the Internet to get into my mind. How about you?

Silly boy, go to bed.

I'm not a chicken shit like you who pisses away their rights for a little comfort.Stupid boomer dipshit.

You haven't got a clue Cletus

>goes on an international imageboard
>surprised that there are foreigners commenting on current events
The absolute retardedness. No wonder Americans are considered retarded in the whole god damn head.

Attached: retarded.jpg (748x483, 139.64K)

Ah some good ole bigotry from the "enlightened" Brit. What a hypocrite and total joke you are.

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