What is the best language to know for jobs?

I'm a new CS student and I'm wondering what would be the best programming language to focus on

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JavaScript, python, ruby, c#

unironically javascript, html, and css.

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Just learn whatever one your school uses the most. Language choice literally doesn't matter.

C, C++, PHP, Java


C++, JavaScript, Python. If you can learn these, anything else will be 'close enough' to what you know, that it won't be hard to pickup if you need to.

Good morning, sir.

Python, SQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS

obviously html

That's it. That's your foot in the door. These 4 work together so it'll be a breeze.

Why use it when you can use any number of templating libraries in your server language of choice?

Rust because there will be a big demand for Rust programmers.

Based well paid employed post

D, Nim, Zig and Hare

>Rust because there will be a big demand for Rust programmers.
Likely, but still speculation.
It would be better to learn a more popular systems language like C before learning Rust, as a back up.
And by using an uglier language, you won't take Rust for granted.

>meme languages


Depends on how much you already know

If you know nothing about programming is it best to start with Python?

Perl will land you a job just about anywhere

Don't get me wrong.
Rust is dope.
But what you are saying has been said for years now.

you'll pick up some bad habits but you can still learn to do everything you'll need.