The most brutal thing I've ever seen on random was of a headless dead woman with "slut" written across her chest...

The most brutal thing I've ever seen on random was of a headless dead woman with "slut" written across her chest, very clearly on a bathroom floor .

The below image is of a woman that was raped to death and left hanging on a wooden chair .
Thats all the context I know of the below image by the way, and if anyone has similar images that'd be cool.
>this is my treat given to unto you random.

Attached: raped-to-death.jpg (800x783, 106.63K)

Go glow somewhere else.

Fuck outta here with that pg13 shit nigga

I ain't 'glowin the light hurts my eyes I rather stare down into the abyss

OK then show me something my dood

"Raped to death" lmao, is that even possible? You just get fucked so many times without concent you just die? What.


If only she had consented, she could have lived :-(

If I had to guess maybe they just left her there afterwards and she died from the elements,dehydration, or maybe that she somehow suffocated .

Attached: 344143.jpg (899x1200, 90.25K)

Explain how the neck is at that angle with supposed full body weight pulling down ?

From someone who has tied some rope around there own neck once, I dunno the face seems puffy from the pressure you get from hanging .

her nipples are holding her shirt up.. Impressive

Yeah theres something wrong with it.

No pee, no blue thights... The photograph's the killer or something.

You should neck yourself again.


>if anyone has similar images that'd be cool.

This is fake, my evidence is the quality of the knot and the fact that the eye screw is actually in a floor joist instead of just the floor. A woman wouldn't be able to comprehend these concepts.

Attached: 1653441251338.png (820x849, 1.19M)

Pajeetland, rape capital of the world.

I want to see some real necrophilia pics and vids. I can't find any.

Really? Most brutal thing I saw was a torture starting with complete skinning of the head, and stabbing of eyes and cutting off the jaw while still alive. It haunts me. But don't pretend you've seen some shit. You ain't seen SHIT

the skinning means EVERYTHING on the head. That includes the face.

Still waiting to see a woman being gutted alive.

there that one guy who got fucked by a horse and died. Penetration ruptured his intestines or something.
So technically yes. dunno if its possible with people though.