Bro learn vue, it'll be easy for you

>bro learn vue, it'll be easy for you
>everything online out of date
>composition API is literally the opposite of what vue is shilled as
>anemic plugins
>somebody didn't learn from python 2.7->3
>dogshit hacky tooling
>official scaffolding utility doesn't even generate error free
>router documentation, 100% of "working examples" don't work
>again, impossible to search for anything without pages and pages of outdated info

why do people shill for this again

Attached: 1200px-Vue.js_Logo_2.svg.png (1200x1040, 43.06K)

filtered by most comfy framework, ngmi

Maybe try not being retarded next time?

>muh filtered by framework
its like filtered by obesity and AIDS
what's your point

That's all frameworks for you, bro, you need to be fully dedicated for them even if you know them to be up to date or you are left behind, that's why I hate them, not sure about svelte though hopefully it's better that those.

That you are propably retard if you can't use one of the most simple frameworks and you should do backend

cant use is not the same as won't use.I could read the whole english German pocket dictionary.I wont do it because i dont want to.Same is with frameworks I can stomack js bulshit alone because I cant use any other language for web.I wont subject myself to further torture for no aparent reason.

Are you retard? Just read the documentation.

Attached: 2022-07-25 15.58.51 053df85fa5b8.png (776x498, 64.82K)

>>most comfy framework
ESOL detected - it's actually "comfiest", and
comfiest is Mithril. Makes me feel old school. No bloat either :)

imagine getting filtered by vue.
Op is a massive retard and probably a faggot aswell.

you know you can still use options API, right?

Just use React like everyone else.

>using a dogshit javascript top-knot oat milk latte drinker framework over htmx


Use svelte

As someone who loves Vue, I hate composition API so much it's unreal. Still using Vue 2 everywhere I can.

Attached: 1585045467352.gif (320x242, 150.7K)

if you want something good, learn svelte
if you want something popular, learn react
if you want angularjs but better, learn vue

Pajeets who are too dumb for React settle for Vue instead

you can always come home white man

good to know, thanks
>Nooo you have to use the most complicated framework thats what makes it fun
Why are people like this?

>>Nooo you have to use the most complicated framework thats what makes it fun
another score for Darwin

>Why are people like this?
Cargo cult, retards love complexity.

in a way I am glad something as simple as React filtered you out, there was a huge problem with surplus unskilled prajeet brainlets back in the wordpress and jquery days, leaving clients unhappy and many broken sites. the web is safer and smoother without those who lack abstract thinking skills.