Embrace, Extend, Extinguish: Web Version

>Embrace, Extend, Extinguish: Web Version.
And the idiots fell for it.
Imagine having a nodeJS backend built with typescript, just to spit out the NON-TYPESCRIPT javascript code in a folder called "build" and then run your application from there, and every time you make a change to the "typescript" code base the thing has to transpile/compile the whole project and write all the files in that "build" folder.

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you believed when Microshit said that this would speed up development times when in reality it just adds extra work on the shoulder of developers.

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you think this shit actually protects you from "type" errors.
interface person{ name: string; age: number; }
const response = await axios.get('URL') //let's say it returns something like {name: "Bob Steven", age: "20"}

Attached: typescript.png (1240x698, 54.03K)

not reading all that my g


your example would not fail in angular because it specifies types for the return of http requests as well

it will fail in runtime... You need to use 'type of' or some lib like zod (zod is simple and easy to use with ts/angular).

OP is a fucking retard

i doubt any developers would target a website to be "Edge-only" because no one uses edge. Even old people use chrome!

You need to take your meds, but I do agree that it's a detriment that TS is supposed to be completely erased at runtime. Having strong dynamic type checking for when you need to deal with arbitrary data would be useful.

I don't play video games or use JavaScript so none of this impacts me. Go back to v

how would "Extinguish" work in this case? just stop using TypeScript if you don't like it lol, it literally can't replace JavaScript

>The Microsoft's plan is to have enough users on Edge and then they'll be the first browser to implement a typescript engine on the browser, so all those developers will try to run TS directly on the browser, which will force a lot of people to simply switch because Chrome & Firefox won't be able to keep up with Microsoft.
sounds good to me

Imagine having a machine code backend built with C, just to spit out the NON-C machine code in a folder called "build" and then run your application from there, and every time you make a change to the "C" code base the thing has to transpile/compile the whole project and write all the files in that "build" folder.

And you were so fucking retarded that you fell for it.
Congratulations goy.

>Imagine being so retarded
Imagine that we're regular people you diptshit. What exactly did you think anyone was going to do?? What have you done about it? Nothing? Oh okay, guess you're fucking stupid too asshole.

We're a bunch of shitposters and virgins, we're not about to storm the fucking gates of the Bastille

We could've baked everything that makes Typescript useful and more with ES4, but open standards that try to fix things aren't fashionable like centralized corporate owned middleware.

>Imagine being so retarded that you idiots don't see that Microsoft couldn't subvert Javascript with its influence so decided to purchase npmjs.com and Github just to have ownership of Atom & Electron.
oh no they used their influence to fix javascript and turn it into one of the best modern languages

> EEE the Web
The Internet (TM) is the wholly owned subsidiary of Alphabet, Inc. Part of the tax evasion framework of Google.

> natively run typescript
That's 100% pure stupidity. That's literally what wasm is for. Typescript is eee javascript, which should have died 10 years ago and superseded by wasm.

> native
> .net
Ms has a .net first universal UI toolkit which runs on mobile, web, loonix and mac. Basically electron and uwp done right.

.net as a frontend language exists, it's blazor compiled to webassembly. The only problem is that it includes the framework (so huge bloated pages), and it's based on mono which was deprecated in favor of .net core (and .net 6, currently)

> push edge adoption
If they really want to do it, then:
> edge in the win store and open win store to all browsers
> edge able to run cil natively supporting framework dependent deployment of .net front end apps. This reduces the data push to first meaningful render by 90%.

> push typescript
4 words: officially supported wasm compiler. Native equivalent performance combined with the already large typescript ecosystem would speed up web pages overnight, and allow interop with real languages and down to js. This would phase out js in favor of wasm.

Some of the things you mentioned would not give Microsoft the upper hand, they want to take the bulls by the horn and guide it, that's why they bought npmjs, that's why they were pushing hard on typescript react & angular, here's the black pill to you, I have been in meetings with Microsoft executives, a lot of the people working directly on the react framework, the Ubuntu company, angular and other companies are under Microsoft payroll, they call it internally "influential engineers management program", they are paid heavily to move things in ways that benefit Microsoft, why you think all those big tech suddenly embraced typescript? Because it's a good language? I am telling you folks, you'll regret using typescript, what Microsoft wants to achieve is total domination of developers and lock them with Microsoft as the vendor, take a look at github copilot, started as a simple program for ai and all the fools embraced it, now it's a paid service, Microsoft wants to do the same with typescript, so far they have not found a way to monetize yet or I have not been told, but they want to have as much influence in the realm of Javascript, so they can guide the herd towards Microsoft claws, I am telling you, I work for Microsoft I'll deliver proof later on in this thread

>he doesn't specify the type of a network response

If a network response give you the wrong type it doesn't matter, shit happens on runtime, type script will be useless in this case

You don't understand what Typescript's role is, and the difference between runtime and compile time types. You outed yourself as a Dunning-Kruger poster child and you just don't have the mental capacity to understand why you're wrong

>here's the black pill to you, I have been in meetings with Microsoft executives,
no you haven't lmao you braindead basement dweller