Visual Studio Code

VSCode has become the best editor unironically. It has actually no competition.
How did Microsoft do it?

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I still prefer Visual Studio, but I guess the answer is "money".


I guess for .NET Visual Studio is still better.

Name a better editor

>I guess for .NET Visual Studio is still better.
I use it for C++. In general, I prefer its flexibility when it comes to layout. You can freely move and dock windows within IDE. VSCode is very good, but the layout is too rigid for me.

>I prefer a bloated pile of fucking garbage that slows even the fastest, best PCs to a fucking crawl when started that's basically only good for fucking noobs who need a pointy clicky UI designer

The proper questions is why others companies never developed a good alternative.


no slowdowns here. time to upgrade to Haswell rajesh.

>no slowdowns
Bullshit. Stop lying. That or stop using VS6 and upgrade.

They paid people to do it
Turns out, if you want quality you have to pay people to do it, otherwise you will get you average shitty software from volunteer NEETs (open source community) can't make anything useful

>written in C++
>uses Python for plugins
>blazing fast

I'll stick with Sublime Text thanks

Attached: Sublime_Text_4_logo.png (256x256, 12.98K)

slowdowns in vs are 100% you problem. I never had any even on my previous 10yo PC. I always use latest VS.

You can do any kind of programming in VSC for free, jetbrains IDEs aren't free and they're language specific.
Also VSC is a text editor, Jetbrains have no test editors only IDEs.

How to tell if a paid Microsoft shill is posting on Any Forums.

>uses python for plugins
>blazing fast
americans unironically believe this

sorry chud, Sublime lost, deal with it

>reading comprehension

VScode is better than Visual Studio
Visual Studio takes too much space

sorry chud, VSCode lost, deal with it

dont care still using notepad

Attached: 9.jpg (357x309, 9.29K)

Is that the 8gb install for a text editor thing?