So we all know about sweatshops. Are there media sweatshops too?

So we all know about sweatshops. Are there media sweatshops too?

Attached: 1657312712321.webm (460x816, 2.48M)

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Quick rundown?

i can feel the misery just from the thumbnail
a lot of social media shit and camwhores are basically forced into slavery in eastern yurop/asia

Yes, influencers, streamers and youtubers have these rental shared spaces where they literally factory farm new content.
You might know them as a content house or as abominations like this.

So that is where v tubers come from

like youtube studios

And then there's the offshored labor that you can hire to edit your content, most youtubers between 100k and 10 million subscribers have at least 4 rotating editors on their payroll.

looks fake
if they had a slightly taller wall perpendicular to the camera, could house twice as many tiktokers in the same space

Wouldn't people notice the factory farmed quality of all this shit content, down to every background being identical?

There's pretty much no reason to have your content slaves be co-located in the same building when they're more than happy to do it in their house.

>Wouldn't people notice the factory farmed quality of all this shit content, down to every background being identical?
Chinese dont care

its not expensive to rent property in china retard
probably the income from one of the women covers the cost of that


they're turned into anime cartoons

>wouldn't people notice
Doesn't matter even if they do. Half the people can't tell staged shit or not.
The other half point it out in the comments.
Good or bad, the point of social media is to get engagement. More clicks more cash.

Those vtubers have their vtuber rig installed in their house and they're not all located in the same building to make content, they stream at all hours of the day.

who said they're vtubers

jesus fucking christ

This is some cyberpunk dystopia shit

I remember that video of russian police raiding one of these places a few years back

They certainly aren't at PCs playing games.

would've been great without the fag doing the voice over shit. I can already tell it's dystopian, I don't need him to spell it out for me.

How do you explain the cameras pointed at the other women behind?
Why a real sweatshop wouldn't at least try to hide them?
This is clearly some kind of epic tiktok challenge any zoomer could explain better than me