How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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okay bitch i'd love if you shut the fuck up

I love hating niggers.

>Tell that to BLM, hahaha
The phrase is obviously patently absurd. Mentioning any hateful thing is sufficient to illustrate that.

It's mad to talk about only one aspect of existence.
If you talk about only bad stuff - you're annoying.
If you talk about only good stuff - you're often lying.

>I love you.
>completely btfo her

"I absolutely love not paying for the check" and then abandon her there

we have a winrar!

>if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
That's silly. Criticism is healthy.

No, u

You sound mad

that's complacency and a lack of standards.

criticism is necessary for organisations and individuals to understand how they are being perceived and how they can, if willing, improve.

hating or disliking things and communicating that isn't necessarily negative, even with its connotations. It's up to the individual to express their disinterests and criticisms in a sociable and charismatic way.

you seem like you have an avoidant personality disorder and are quite hostile and controlling about preserving that

goodbye you dumb crazy bitch

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Knife training

"You're right"

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Tits or GTFO

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about hate crimes, there is an entire body of laws against hate crimes, everybody seems to be worried about hate. Hate appears to be the greatest problem of our time. But hate, is good. Hate gives us structure to our life, hate gives us a reason to exist, a focus, something to strive for, an identity. Hate is energy, pure energy provided by mother nature herself. Hate enables us to see through lies and pretense, and helps us to concentrate on the essential. Even the rich and the powerful cannot hate more than their slaves and subjects, and soon, hate may well be all that we have left. Hate, emancipates. Without hate of slavery, you cannot break your shackles, and without hate for injustice, there can be no justice. The greatest achievements of the human race have grown from hate, and the ability to control hate. How can we know what love is, if we refuse to understand and recognize hate. Love and hate are two opposite sides of the same coin. Without hate, we are only half-lings. In order to be complete, we need hate. Only fools talk endlessly about love but forget the hate. Hate separates us from the weak and docile masses. Do not fear hate, do not deny or reject hate. Accept hate, and embrace hate. Learn to know it, and learn to use it. Hate is your most powerful weapon, a hidden source of your strength, do not deny from you. What the liberal elite fear most in this world is our ability to hate, because our hate will one day be the most revolutionary force on the planet. Our hate will destroy and create empires.

I don't think its cool to hate things I think its cool to change things I hate

kinda like how you had to side swipe this whole conversation to impress no one in particular

>Bish, do you really want to have an exciting conversation about building custom mechanical keyboards?

"I understand what you're saying but for some reason all I can think about is how good your face would look with my cum all over it.

Do you have any idea how distracting your cocksucking lips are? Do you think this is fair (insert girl's name here)?

All I'm saying is... There's no chance in hell I wouldn't cum all over your cervix, like... I usually pull out but look at you... Pulling out of you should be a crime.

So yeah anyways... As I was saying, despite being only 13% of the pop...."

"good point. maybe I'm spending too much time on Any Forums"

Hate is actually interesting. Hate isn't dislike or disgust. Hate is actually thinking something is harmful to you or against your morals, thus needs to be destroyed. Dislike is just not liking a thing, and disgust is just being repulsed by a thing. People often exaggerate online of course, so people get confused with dislike, disgust and hate.

I would say hate is very important to talk about, its how we get awareness someone hates us, which is an existential threat.

What if the things I hate threaten the to destroy the thing's love?

I can provide constructive criticism in a reasoned way despite my distaste for a thing. If we were provided with nothing but positive affirmations we would never learn what we need to change.

"That's kind of vague makes for boring conversation it's nice to pick things apart.. it's fun to make fun of things sometimes... but yeah I do that
