The 1st human right is life. What comes 1sr degenerate goblins your right to be alive or your right to an abortion?

The 1st human right is life. What comes 1sr degenerate goblins your right to be alive or your right to an abortion?

Seems like you can't even have one if you don't have the other.

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What are you smoking on today

What I don't understand is the law in some states and abortion.

If you kill a pregnant woman, in many states you can be charged with a double homicide. But, in those same states, abortion is okay.

Gotta love these double standards.

Is it really that hard to understand? A woman gets the choice with an abortion, and if she gets killed there was no choice.

Reminder this guy thought he could fight and got his ass beat for real not once but twice.

The law is that it's the *mother's* right to choose, nobody else's. You can't stab a pregnant woman in the stomach and use "abortion is legal" as a defense.

So life = woman decides. No potential problems there? That's not just a little incongruent in the rights all people share?

Who knew the "CM" stood for "child murder"

Right to choose is a political slogan not a law you fucking sped.

Kel and based

If abortion is legal, then a mother can legally "choose" to have an abortion, so... yes, it is a law.

>another seething rightoid thread

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Murder isn't a right and if you can't say killing babies is wrong then you're fucked in the head

Choosing to murder someone isn't a right, it's murder

I guess I'm a little unsure of what you would consider as "people". Does a fertilized egg have rights?

Killing babies is wrong, fetuses not so much.

They're not babies until they can survive outside the womb. Until then they're just a fucking fetus.

when are you going to admit that this isnt about "human life" and is actually about punishing women who you see as whores?

If you kill a woman with a recently fertilized non-implanted egg, should someone get 2 murder charges

This is where the double standard comes into play.

If I were to kill someone that is pregnant, I could get charged with a double homicide. So, by using that logic, that unborn fetus has rights as a human.

But, if a woman aborts a child, then they are saying that the unborn fetus has no rights.

See how that does not make sense?

Killing babies is wrong, I could care less about some nigger getting shot and that is a human life. You want the right to live so why shouldn't a baby have that same right?

I'm for abortion because it's mostly niggers and lib retards who get them and I'm okay with that. Fuck them.

>So, by using that logic, that unborn fetus has rights as a human.
No that's the part your missing. The mother has rights over the unborn fetus.

Whether or not abortion is murder is the point under contention. If it's legal, then it is by definition, not murder. Murder is killing which is forbidden by law.
Sometimes killing is legal. Like in a state where they have the death penalty, they don't arrest the guy who throws the switch on the electric chair for murder. Or when they pull the plug on somebody with brain damage.
Abortion is a special circumstance like that. It might be killing, but if it's legal, it isn't muder.

>I could care less about some nigger getting shot
yeah something tells me your explicit need to protect these unborn african american fetuses is a fucking sham and you are a dishonest piece of shit. idk what it is

It’s not about women at all, it’s about the life and rights of unborn children. Women have every choice to become or not become pregnant, no one is taking that away from them, but if they become pregnant it isn’t about their body anymore it’s the new body growing inside them, a body that has its own unique human DNA, fingerprints, heartbeat, can feel pain and respond to outside stimulus. This has ALWAYS been about the rights of the child; women being typically selfish twist it to make it all about them.

A baby can't defend itself and deserves the right to be born regardless of race. Niggers, wet backs, chanqs, kikes and sand niggers were all once babies but decided to be pieces of shits along the way. Educated people regardless of race are cool but once you decided to the a piece of shit then all bets are off. It's that so hard for you to understand?

It gets even more complicated than that though. There are legal examples of women being charged, and convicted, of manslaughter after a miscarriage. The only cases I've seen have cited dangerous behavior and argued negligence or endangerment of the child contributing to the miscarriage itself.

>right to be born
are we just making up rights now?

i find it hard to believe you give a fuck about the rights of children in any case that isnt about punishing whores. what other measures should we take to protect these children? how about a child safety net that allows all children in america to not be born and live in poverty, are you for that? get off your fucking bullshit pedastal

Does a fertilized egg have human dna? Is that DNA distinct from the mother and unique to the baby?

When you kill someone your right to your life no longer exists that's the death penalty. A baby never killed anyone so why kill the baby? If you can't say killing a baby is wrong then you're fucked in the head regardless of the law. Eye for an eye bitch

I don't have a problem with killing babies, but I'm against women making decisions.

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So why do we kill babies who can survive outside the womb? And does abortion keep getting rolled back as medicine advances? Used to be 30 weeks now we are down to 22.

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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is what it means to be an American fuck face

does DNA have rights?

>Does a fertilized egg have human dna?
yes, but so does sperm and unfertilized eggs
>Is that DNA distinct from the mother and unique to the baby
same answer as above

Phil is based. Even gets Any Forums's attention kek

DNA is not human life in and of itself but it can produce human life.

>what other measures should we take to protect these children? how about a child safety net that allows all children in america to not be born and live in poverty, are you for that?

Pro lifers only care about murdering a human in what should be the safest place in the world for a human, their mothers womb.

They care about only this so much that they know they will lose all future elections and are willing to b/c they don't believe in killing babies to improve their lives.

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>So why do we kill babies who can survive outside the womb?
In most cases, we don't.
>Used to be 30 weeks now we are down to 22.
The standard in most states is for viability is "Unaided" survival, not medically supported survival. However, since there is no Federal level unified definition of all the terms...

if there's the pursuit of happiness, why are people trying to ban contraceptives?

But does it have inherent rights? Yes or no?

Mothers get charged and punished for high risk behavior while pregnant like doing drugs, drinking, or smoking.

Get condoms or a vasectomy or birth control. I'm all for plan b but personal responsibility is the best deterrence

People who support abortion don't believe that it's "killing a baby", they think of it as something else. They think it's a clump of non-sentient cells, then a non-sentient fetus, and it becomes a baby at some point during the third trimester.
I understand you feel strongly about it, but there are lots of people who feel that strongly that it's wrong to kill an animal. If you don't believe that, it's not like they're going to talk you into it. Abortion is binary that way. You either think it's ok or you think it's evil.

Happiness is subjective, I'm all for contraceptives

The entire abortion debate becomes trivial once artificial gestation is viable for humans. But researchers pursuing it keep saying the same thing, the only people opposing funding for more development of safe and reliable artificial wombs are women's rights groups.

>Pro lifers only care about murdering a human in what should be the safest place in the world for a human, their mothers womb.
this is some retarded emotional reads like a fucking shitty advertisement
>a person should be safe in the safest place in the world, the mothers womb
what a bunch of retarded nonsense

No human DNA does not have inherent rights until its formed into an actual human. That's why you can sell sperm

What makes a human?

so you actually dont give a fuck about fetuses and this is actually about punishing people for lacking personal responsibility, got it