Guys... I need help

Guys... I need help.

I'm planning on killing myself with my car.
Since I don't want anyone besides me to get hurt, i'm thinking hitting a very solid tree, I live nearby.

How fast do I have to go to yeet myself out of existence?

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Fuck off and sage

Modern cars are designed to crumple and protect the driver. You’ll most likely end up with an injury. driving off a cliff will also not be instant, likely a painful death. Killing yourself using a car in general won’t be painless.

Why would you hurt an innocent tree you cock sucker? Kill your self faggot

If that's what you really want make sure you file a DNR or are wearing a DNR medical bracelet, you dont want to kill yourself just to be revived.

Why waste a perfectly good car?

Even at ... let's say 115mbh with no seatbelt and airbag tunred off?

That's the idea, since I don't have access to Any firearms in my country

everything sucks right now and ive been feeling suicidal too but if you die the world will get a little bit worse

theres a lot of weight on good people right now and everything is in such a fuckup

but i just want to say that Jesus loves you regardless of anything you feel guilty of or anything that you are ashamed of

if youre in this world and not working for evil people around you will just hate you and want you as damaged as possibly, and to make you feel worthless

but in reality you are more precious than every substance on this planet, i dont know what else to say user

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You will likely survive, and may possibly become paralyzed. Don't do it user.

Lmfao Jesus don't love you skank.

Using a car sucks. Guns are much more effective. So buy yourself a gun. Anything will do really. Then take it out shooting, just so you get to play with it before you go. Hey, that was a lot of fun, maybe you should do more of that. You can always kill yourself later. Buy some more ammo, hit the range a couple more times, maybe once a week or once a month. Fall in love with a new hobby. Roll on over to /k/, make some new autist friends, learn more about guns. Buy a couple more. Maybe get into reloading, or long range shooting, or competitions. Hey, you know, this is a lot of fun, and you're meeting people, and life is pretty cool now. So just e joy it, build your collection, have some fun. You can always kill yourself another day. And years from now, maybe you won't even want to anymore.


Any better ideas? Everything is very hard to get your hands on here in Germany

No can do. I'm from Germany. I can't just buy a gun.

Do this... Take a garden hose duct tape it to the tail pipe. Then partially open a window stick the other end of the hose through that window. Tape up the partial window opening and hose with some more tape and seal it best you can. Get inside car... Close door... Start the car... Profit.

Sound like a plan.
Any idea how long this will gonna take?

You can also get a breath mask and hook it to a propane take and do it that way as well with medical gas tubing

Accelerate to about 3 fifty and you should be alright

It's quick within a few minutes. You'll get tired and just fade away.

Not endorsing suicide, but if anyone dies, the world will get a bit better since there will be one less bipedal cockroach around.

120mph. any slower and you will probably end up in a coma


Oof. Nogunz Euro.

I have no idea what Europeans are allowed to do for fun since everything cool is illegal or so expensive it may as well be, but find something man. Life is hard, but this will pass eventually. You can always kill yourself another day, but you can't try something else to be happy tomorrow if you end it today.

Say "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have Mercy Upon Me." over and over instead. Something amazing may occur.

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>get a rope
>tie one end around neck
>tie other end to tree trunk
>get in car
>back up car to tree, facing away
>roll up window
>step on gas
>instantly beheaded
You’re welcome user

Sell your car and buy a motorcycle and just have fun on it with no safety gear.

>I'm from Germany.
Von wo?

Double double dubz

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Thanks a lot user.
I will consider this.

25.05.22 will be the day.

Like what?
Loosing my breath?
Fuck Jesus and God and any other "holy" spirit shit

Spielt keine Rolle. Es sei denn du kannst mir ne Knarri mit Munni verkaufen.

kike climate change propaganda

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The enemy wants you to die because he knows you're in a bad spot and fears what you will become later. Christ is King, look to the Lord and creator of lights. Look to his angels. Call upon him and find piece brother.

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>Spielt keine Rolle. Es sei denn du kannst mir ne Knarri mit Munni verkaufen.
Nope. Hast ja bis zum 25. noch Zeit zum Überlegen user.

He said he's from Germany "finding a piece" is difficult here.

will you shut the fuck up if I tell you I'm gay or something?

Das Datum steht seit Januar fest.
Glaube nicht dass sich da noch was ändert.

If you refuse the ability of God to help or change your life, then you doom yourself.

He can help you but by free will, he will allow you to fall off. There is no peace after death for someone like you if you do. You're like a rotten fruit fallen off the tree of life. Worms and filth gnaw at you. You are in despair and anger, screaming. You may call upon the Lord and hope and hopefully your family will pray for you. But if not... eternity is a very long time alone as a rotten fruit.

Repent brother, you're in despair. You are as strong as you correct yourself to be. Don't let yourself be snuffed out.

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Nur noch eins, wahrscheinlich geh ich damit nur auf den Sack aber egal wie scheisse es dir geht, wenn du dich umbringst, wirst du nie wissen ob es doch noch besser geworden wäre. Irgendwas Positives kann man immer finden, auch wenn die Welt ein Haufen Scheisse ist.

If you're gay then you were molested or groomed. No other way brother. You are NOT a bitch for being abused as a little kid. You are NOT the sum total of your sex/dick experience.

Don't give up bro.

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You are the kind of guy to actually drive someone to suicide.

Danke für den Versuch, aber seit nunmehr 24 (was nicht heißt, dass ich 24 bin)Jahren spiele ich mit dem Gedanken.
Es hat sich nichts geändert. Ich will nicht mehr warten.
Ich will gehen solange ich es noch selbst bestimmen kann.

Your're wrong bro.

Disagree if you have a convertible.
My brother is a paramedic and got a call out to a car crash, turned out the guy wrapped one end of a rope around his neck and the other around a tree and floored it and it left an incredibly clean cut

Imagine believing someone caring for someone drives them to suicide.

Meanwhile everyone else here cheers him on and gives tips. Chastise yourself you demon loving bitch.

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