So, how much whisky do you need to drink to die from it? I mean immediately...

So, how much whisky do you need to drink to die from it? I mean immediately, not like developing some illness that will kill me decades later. It can be vodka too I guess, or rum, or whatever, I just chose whisky because I like that the most.

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Do an enema with about a handle and that should do it

Lemmy did fine on a bottle of jack a day

One bottle.
Drink it
Smash it
Cut your arteries


get a gun retard just ask the firearm people for the license and youre set

Yeah I guess that works

Im not gonna say don't do it i just want to know what happened in your life that you want to do it?

>35% alcohol
Watch out guys. We got a real badass here


It's just about the most horrifying form of suicide, though. Death is slow and extremely painful

Basically I was smart and talented, textbook gifted child, literal chad extrovert and everything
Then every single person in my life decided to just fuck me over
Mom made me go to a better school, got bullied there, grades dropped, family started to hate me, music teacher was going through messy divorce and used me as not literal punching bag
This for 14 years
I'm actually a loser now, I'm stupid and forget everything, recently started stuttering too though very subtly and I think that's a sign that I should just fuck off
When I was young I used to despise people like this and that hasn't changed
Tldr I had a golden life to look forward to and then everyone just fucked me over as much as they could

Head-on bus chasing is the game for you

>be you
>walk up to police (the firearm people)
>"I'd like one firearm license please"
>get shot
>bleed out
>one less retard on earth

Find a bottle of moonshine and chug it all if you can.

So you got bullied in school and a music teacher picked on you? How old are you now? What are you doing?

Assumeing you weigh 100kg (around 200 american pounds) and you are dirnking whisky with 35% ethanol by volume... it would be 1.36 liters. But that would only be true if you don't drink regularly, and you consume the full 1-3 (depending on bottle size) bottles in a single setting.

20, university that I don't see myself finishing
Yeah I'm just 65 kg but I drink regurarly, and I mean weekly and pretty heavily. One night I managed to down almost a liter of that stuff and I just had a mild headache afterwards, didn't even throw up

I feel this user. Best of luck to you either side you choose

I'll probably post something like this again ebcause I'm drunk I'll forget about this and I'm too much of a coward to do ir tnow
I'll wait until it gets worse

Drink two bottles tonight, throw up, then drink your throw up. Go out like a man!

Or just be a man, and stop fucking drinking and whining like a pussy. Everyone gets bullied. Everyone isn’t perfect. Come here… give me a hug

Mix it with some anti freeze and you could probably off yourself with a handle in about a day and a half idk what your little girl tolerance is

Wait. Do real men drink their own booze vomit or do real men not drink? Put the bong down and make that make sense

That sucks user

It was a conspiracy, obviously. Poor innocent you just living your little life, learnin the ways of the world, discoverin things, learnin stuff...
And then you became too adorable and perfect ...that's when shit got knocked into 12th gear.
Of course it always starts at home, people covet what they see everyday. Your "mother" would naturally be the first to turn on you, it's that repressed guilt from wanting to bone her Chad son. Your dad is a cuck and he sensed it so he naturally did what your mother told him. I hate when anons who did nothing wrong fall victim to circumstances through absolutely no fault of their own. Happens all the time

At least start with semi decent whisky, rather than a liqueur

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