Would you date this raging psycho?

Would you date this raging psycho?

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of course!

Hell to the fucking yes I'll let her sit and fart on my face till I pass out

Everytime I see her I feel like jerking off to Haley Reed, her porn doppleganger.

Attached: 876378-haley-reed-nude.jpg (3256x4884, 1.66M)

She can shit in my bed anytime

No. Only person allowed to shit on my bed is me.

I like his almond shaped skull. Looks perfectly retarded.

No but she's hot as fuck holy shit.
I would love to bury my face im those titties

They look nothing alike.

Do your eyes even see user wtf
Nothing fuckin like her kek

I'm gonna be honest. The whole thing has been such a second hand vindication for me.

>>be me
>>marry at 18 to homeschooled church girl
>>get her 500 miles from her parents
>>actual crazy
>> makes my 2 years in university hell, monopolizes my time and threatens to cheat everytime I spend time with friends
>>cheats anyway
>> goes apeshit when I catch her
>>destroys the apartment
>> pisses on my text books
>> invites a bunch of random snap chat niggers to rob our house and only take my stuff.
>>divorce judge makes us spend a year together and get therapy
>>deeper living hell
>> now she's fucking "ugly neck beards" just for the sake of harming my self esteem
>> Dec 10 2014
>> She stabs me in the throat while I'm sleeping
>>spend months in court only for her to get away with it

I'm finally free of her but watching a crazy bitch get owned in court is cathartic no doubt

Ive already dated atleast one bpd npd bitch now i screen them for crazy before the first date
Fuck psycho bitches

A hundred years ago this chick would be in an asylum

The devil will take care of her user rest easy now

I fucking hope so. She and the guy she dated during the court battle got married recently


id bust a nut in her within 30 minutes of meeting her without hesitation

I married and divorced a worse one

Girls with BPD are fucking mental. I honestly get what Johnny is feeling man.
Unless you date someone with it and experience what its like first hand you will never really understand what goes on behind closed doors in a relationship like that.

OP here. I married one when I was 20 (55 now) Borderline for sure, and most likely bipolar as well. Amber Heard brings it all back in vivid detail. Exactly like my ex, especially the fights. OMG

That's a really vague term, I'd tell her whatever lie she wants to hear to get her to put out. Then I would avoid her for the rest of my life. I mean that's how dating usually works for me.

shes not smart
If you never trust her, and always expect her to be a psycho cunt, you may be able to stick it in her for a few months without too much complication

these Guys get it , it cost me a lot too

My mother has limit personality disorder. I couldn't even choose to reject the psycho

And Spain has a terrible unemployment problem. I can't escape

Date? No
Hatefuck? Hell yeah


Sleep tight my special little negro