I'll try to pray in a bit. Stay for a while, if you want, and maybe share what's troubling you

I'll try to pray in a bit. Stay for a while, if you want, and maybe share what's troubling you.

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Fake news faggot

adult people who believe in fiction

I'm mostly troubled by religious freaks.

>share what's troubling you
I have no direction in life, no job, no career, no skills, no charisma, no sex/love life, time keeps moving and I'm just getting older and don't know what to do. It's like in the middle of the ocean and it keeps swallowing me and I don't even see the mainland anymore and don't even know in what direction to swim. Every day I wake up with the realization that I'll probably never be happy or free from all of this.

This seems like real shit.

I will keep you in my prayers, user. I don't know what to say to you, but that I know what you are going through won't be forever. Do what you can, and God will do what you can't and what's necessary. Don't be afraid. God bless you.

I share your plight user. I realized that I just wanted a humble life in a rural area with my own land, and I'm doing nursing to get there - not attached to it, just pays the bills and doesn't take much time or money. I'll be settled hopefully by 27.
I know things seem miserable and hopeless, but we're going to make it. What would you want from life if money were no object?

You're alright, user. I'm not very religious myself, but I'm glad you found fulfillment and I wish you the best.

>You're alright, user. I'm not very religious myself, but I'm glad you found fulfillment and I wish you the best.
God bless you, user, and thank you. I hope and pray you are safe and sound. Thank you.

John 16:33
"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!"

Isaiah 41:10
"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with My right hand of righteousness."

Peace be with you, user

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God bless you, I hope and pray everything is all right. God bless you, thank you.


Im stuck. Im 40+, have been mentally ill for a decade and a half (Its almost dead) and have no real way to leave my situation. And it doesnt look like anything good is going to happen any time soon. My mood is good, I find ways to be useful, but all I want to do is leave.

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I hope and pray you get over your illness, user. I'm happy your mood is good, and that you find ways to be useful. I pray you can leave all this. I feel you. Stay strong, please. God bless you. I hope and pray things will change for the better. God bless you.

Same to you fren. Good luck, wherever this ride goes.

Thank you, user. Wherever it goes.

Philippians 4:6–7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

>I'll try to pray in a bit.
Why do you always say this? Why try? Do you sometimes fail to pray? Is it that hard?

>Do you sometimes fail to pray?