Literally 2 hours later. Do you get the picture yet?

Literally 2 hours later. Do you get the picture yet?

Attached: they hate you.jpg (1280x597, 166.29K)

Republicans control the senate? Yeah. I get it.

It is harder to get Kick Backs from restaurants and small businesses than it is from the Ukraine. Jill, Pelosi and Gang can go pick up their suitcases of cash from Volodymyr now.

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All the billionaires' kids can't benefit from aid packages going to the US. They all work in Ukraine.

>Jews denying its always the fucking kikes
You're gonna meme into existance a REAL holocaust you fucking parasite.

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Shit I remember they fought for months over those piddly ass stimulus checks while making their corporate buddies record profits and scammed the absolute fuck out of those PPP loans.

I actually give less of a shit about restaurants than I do about Ukraine.

>don't ask which group voted against the second thing just pretend the people you don't like voted against it and the people you do like voted for it


Imagine being this retarded

Imagine the smell

>Republicans control the senate
>Dems have Kamala tie breaker
Please kindly go read a book

What is the filibuster?

Irrelevant. There was no filibuster. Anything else?

What’s a joe manchin?

>What’s a joe manchin?
About $50 these days

Except it didnt get 60 votes to move forward

Spending money on citizens is evil socialisms, can't have that.

Ahh not the fuckin business owners, not during a time when people are demanding goods and services more than ever. Maybe instead of giving money to those with the ability to generate capital through assets they own, you should give it to those who don’t have that capability, those who will drive business, those who live paycheque to paycheque.

If your shit ass business can’t afford to pay people a living wage, or exist without handouts, your business is shit and you can go get fucked.

But you’re in the US, it’s an unsalvageable shithole, hopefully you guys all shoot each other soon.

Nigel here needs a hug and a crumpet. Enjoy your authoritarian sewer thats as big as one of our states, nerd.

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The usa should be primed for a proper revolution. Wealth disparity, food/water shortages and civil unrest are reasons to revolt but the citizens are too cucked so they just make posts about how bad a job the other guy is doing. Its disgusting what has become of the greatest nation to exist.