language decides to use declaration keywords like let, var, fn, or func

> language decides to use declaration keywords like let, var, fn, or func
This puzzles, confuses, and enrages the cnile

Don’t you want your languages to have good tooling user?

Attached: 515E7189-0FA6-494B-89B2-6483499D90C9.png (1080x1973, 660.73K)

int, double, char etc ARE declaration keywords.

The fuck is auto what a joke lmao

>[configuration] [typename] [identifier]

Now post the joys of implicit type coercion rules.

this is wrong, how is "auto" the declaration of a function in c++?

I think that comes from code like this
auto something() -> bool
return false;

Those are types user

no, I'm sick of securitards crying about irrelevant exploits, in the golden age Internet nobody gave a shit about muh security, it's just a modern fagman psyop to make people retarded

And? They are only specified on declaration. That makes them also declaration keywords.
double c = 1.0;
let rust: f64 = 1.0;
Do you not see how the top is just better?


Attached: shouting_indian.jpg (590x332, 13.41K)

Better for who though? It might strain your eyes to have to look at the extra characters, but it makes the parsers simpler which means better tooling. C++ syntax is liters undecidable


i've seen this recommended in some C++ style guides, buti never got the point of this. you're writing auto, yet you still have to write the return type explicitly. seems like the worst of both worlds.

humans need to read and write code. Who gives a fuck if the parser is a little more complex.

It’s exactly as easy to read and it makes the red squigglies in your editor more insightful

You most likely wont have to specify the type at all. Not that it matters because both are equally readable. I fear for any company that has an employee who is actually struggling because of how a language declares variables.

>find variable
>look left
>see type

>find variable
>look right
>see type
what's so hard about that?

having to type
not only that but rust is full of crap like

you got a problem with that?

You have no job

> implying c++ doesn’t have exactly the same namespace::Object::thing

Oh now, not LET! Those 3 letters are the hardest combination of characters to write, probably ever! Oh man, the sheer amount of wasted time. Rust is done for. The jig is up, we've been found out!

I'm sorry, but you actually do sound this retarded, if what you said was an honest to god unironic complaint. With the sheer amount of other bullshit I have to put up with at work, having to type even 10 times that for each variable declaration is a bottom concern.

Define > defn > defun > def

Ada uses Procedure.


> It’s just to hard to type : everywhere

Meanwhile c++ looks like this
class Derived : public Base {
void foo();
void Derived::foo() {