I wish I was a girl

I wish I was a girl.

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Me too user. I'm not even trans.
I just wanna be a cute girl.
Have friends, be pretty, wear neat clothes, have a social life, being pampered....
They have soft skin, can express themselves emotionally...
I can go on and on

Why, user?
You know women bleed once a month and are mentally unstable

I can relate...

thats a gay grooming trick. please seek therapy to get these faggots out of your brain.

Yeah, but you eventually learn to deal with it. You become aware that you're feeling like shit and your mood goes down for no reason and think oh shit I'm in my days! Don't mind me if I cry like... Right now.

And that's it.

Women are inferior mentally and physically.

Why would I want to be an inferior, egotistical, niggerlover, cunt?

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What trick?

easy mode

If you were a girl you would still be a talentless loser so why even dream

Well, society would still help you

too bad all you can do is cut your dick off, take pills made from horse piss to grow retarded man tits and then kill yourself...

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It's ok to imagine an end to your suffering.
Sounds pretty depresso.
Anti depressants were a good start for me when I was where you're describing now.

Gave me a chance to take care of the shit in my life that was keeping me in that mood.

As an Irish man I feel I should visit Korea then let her live out a fantasy by fucking her, but then I would tell her she was awful in bed and she's inferior to women with blue eyes.

Ya plus that thing can stink to high heaven like a red lobster dumpster in the summer

no user, you don't. trust me lol

You have no idea how hard I feel this.
I have no desire to start taking hormones and shit like that.
But if there was some magic pill I could take, and tomorrow I would wake up as a cute teenage girl... I wouldn't even hesitate. Talk about life on easy street.


I wish I were a girl too!
Just think of all the cocks I could suck if I were a girl!

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Same, I'd suffocate in cum

i bet she could rip off my tonge with her butthole

The ol' chink dancing a jig routine. Get's 'em every time.