ITT: Our most satisfying Amazon purchases

ITT: Our most satisfying Amazon purchases
>I'll go first
>Pic related

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Nice try Jeff Bezos


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Best $29.99 ever spent

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You think that massager will help with my nerves on my lower back from sciatica?

Yep! That back roller too! I've had back and shoulder issues for many years. With use of these products, 90% of my symptoms and pain have vanished. Self care is worth while

Whats the camo tube thing?

Back roller. Lay on it and roll on it. Crack your back up and down. It's legittttt

Alright because I was thinking of getting an inversion table to swing upside down for my sciatica. But I'll also need a strong massager that punches like those types of guns. I'm assuming that one punches as well as pulsate? Which top/near-top tier brand do recommend i get? There's a lot of them and I don't know which ones are strong and durable.

Most of them are out of China with brands that you've never heard of. "Ruisibaitata" is what mine is called. Get one of these things and look up YouTube videos. I found educated physical therapist showing you how to do it videos. I've learned about specific pains I have and how to immediately eradicate them. This is therapy and people pay tons of money for it. Luckily, with the help of Amazon and YouTube... You can treat it yourself! I would try this before the hanging upside down thing. Good luck user

I'll do review and youtube research. I want to get that and a back roller. Thank you my good user.

No problem Any Forumsro... god's speed!

I forgot to mention that stretches are a big part of my therapy and some of my stretches require my chick to help me like a therapist would. I learned these techniques off of YouTube. Ok good luck!

Honestly, most things I've bought have been crap.
Amazon is basically a western warehouse for Alibaba.

I liked the cheap amazon fire tablet I guess, I've put it on a stand and watch stuff while taking a bath.

I have the roller and inversion table. One time my gf gave me an inverted blowjob. The roller is great. Thank you for the recommendation on the massage gun.

Yw user

It's so flooded with junk vendors.
I was going to add "these days" but then I remembered that it's pretty much always been flooded with junk vendors.

Bought a Chinese horse dildo last year from Amazon. Except it was listed as høŕśė țőý fõř ł0vē

dog paw washer(fleshlight) it attaches to the beat off machine

lol nice

a microphone gun?
ceo of youtube is a jew - I mean amazon but that too.

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Does brand matter much with these massagers? Anything I should look for specifically? Wanted one for a while

Refer to

i got one for the sole purpose of pummeling my prostate into a quivering and spastic mewing mess.
then i found out i can use it to get adjusted for my anteriot pelvic tilt and when shit audibly clicked out of/back into place i passed out for a few minutes

when i woke up i went back to smashing that like button like a chinese click farm like it was my job

its been 8 days since ive gotten out of bed. im dehydrated. im sore. im a regular slop-bop with weak knees.

highly recommend it