Is he sick? Much speculation around his health right now

Is he sick? Much speculation around his health right now...

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Other urls found in this thread: thyroid cancer&ia=web

Sick in the balls! MadLad's got that sick and twisted south park humor!

Yup, suspect thyroid cancer. Travels with Russia's best thyroid cancer specialist on all excursions. Has for years. Research it. It's true. Something is going on with that. Also, his face has turned fat as fuck. He's aged so much in a short period of time. Like leaving a baseball glove outside in the summer storms. Nasty.

Here's a duck duck go search query. Lots of returns. thyroid cancer&ia=web

I've heard about the doctors and such. Clips of him looking fragile. What happened to this man?

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Nah, he's too buzy spreading monke virus.

He's obviously mentally ill, why even ask?

We all get old, and it must be stressful running a country. Could be a lot of things but it certainly is effecting him now

The shakes like many have pointed out have been there at least 10 years ,BUT I will say this the shaking in his leg is getting worse,I don't think it just age anymore his body ,face,colour is changing way too fast,he is I'll we got to save him somehow ,only he can stop ww3

I think that this Ukraine thing was supposed to be his legacy type thing, done before his death or sickness forces him to resign (in case it really is true he has thyroid cancer or some other disease). Thing is, it's turned out terribly as we know. He has always been hell bent on getting the Soviet states back under control like the old days. Not gonna happen for him and he can't stand it. I hope his orbit men that surround him seize on the chance and take him the fuck out with some polonium. Just hope the one that succeeds him isn't as messed up as Putin was.

I have had dam covid 5 times already I don't want fking monkey virus!

I hope so, hopefully he will die soon and so will Trump.

I think that's it in a nutshell he wants to be remembered as man that brought old soviet union back and rushing etc to get it done ,at this rate going to turn into Ukraine taking over Russia instead and he gets remembered as man that fked Russia or man that caued ww3 instead !

Spot on, apart from the orbit thing. Far too many Russian politicians deep in the pockets of oligarchs & mafioso. If they'd been in any way inclined to knock him off he'd already been dead

Literally and metaphorically

He needs to negotiation's with who ever it is that takes over ,kinda like how he did for Yeltsin,otherwise it will be blood and he has to think for his family safety ,otherwise there heads be on spikes Tsar style!

>his face has turned fat as fuck
maybe he's on steroids

I think the knocking off thing happen,if he goes too far ,even Russians know starting ww3 is a bad idea ,idea of everything, everyone's you know and love being burned to a crispy and or dying in the worse way ever ,kinda makes ppl ,think ,hang on do I want this for everyone I know n love ...

In a man of his age cancer (particularly prostate) is entirely to be expected.

Wouldn't doubt that for a second. TTRT or something. Hell, my step dad (before he died) was on this kind of thing to keep him going. Fat fuck still had a catastrophic heart attack and fell down the fucking stairs - do not miss him one bit.

Standing behind a person that going to push a button ,that button is going to kill u and everyone, do you let that person push it ? Or do something to stop that person ??

Pass me down the stairs my shoes.

Putin is actually Gouald.

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He hasn’t been the same since Amber Heard said all that shit about him.

I was checking his aura , and it is not looking good,

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Nah, the Jaffa would be a lot more competent than the Russians have been in Ukraine

....let's hope he does not decide he got nothing to live for and decides to take us all into the hell fire with him... As having WW3 start,everyone we know n love dying and burning to death all because a sick out of his head man obsessed that wants a legacy ,human history being reboot or ending kinda sucks.

The Russians have killed 100,000 ukie nazis, I'd say thats pretty good

Putin created his own monster by trying to invade a country--IN EUROPE--and claiming he was defending his "sacred space"? WTF is sacred space? Ukraine has been successively crushed by Russians, Poles, Vikings, Nazis, Goths, Mongols, Huns, Soviets, etc. for thousands of years. It isn't anybody's "sacred space". It's bullshit. Putin, Modi, Orban don't like democracy, and they can fuck the fuck off. We're the inheritors of Greek democracy and the Roman republic. Fuck them.

You really think his nukes are as well maintained as his army?

I know ,and your right but it only takes a few of em working to send us back to the stone age