People that talk shit behind your back...

People that talk shit behind your back, are they legit on a have dose of Cope or are they just trying to find a way to pass you off?

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Piss*. I fucking hate phones.

Why are you assuming that their criticism of you is invalid?

Because I've been told shit talkers are just insecure but I think that's a meme. Like they just making shit up.

I don't even understand the question.
Are you asking about the motive of a 'shittalker'?



There are lots of motives that they could have. Many people shit talk, after all.
It could be to "get back" at the target, in which case it could be motivated by dislike or insecurity.
It could be to genuinely discuss the negative attributes of a person.
Without more context there's little to speculate on.

people talk shit to try to make themselves look better. It makes them look worse. Don't be like people, and also don't worry about what they say about you. It doesn't matter. Nobody cares. They can form their own opinions and I think you're pretty great because you posted a snufkin pepe.

Well for context in my supposed friend group I'm seen as the friendly outgoing dude that says dumb autistic shit. Ironically of course or that have more traditional views to relationships and life as I believe that we should live a life of strong morals and dedication to each individual goals. I feel like it's insecurities because they live a life of pleasure as in drinking every other night, smoking pot etc but then again it couldn't be insecurities because they are all in dental school and I'm a run of the mill working class.

That's not even really shit talking. They're just talking about you. You agree with what they say about, anyway.
They aren't jealous of you for being traditional. People talk about other people all the time. Even now, you're talking about your friends in the same way. Are you jealous of them? No.

Yea I guess so but they make sure do laugh and look at each other a lot when answer a question from them. It feels like they are all in on a joke or sum shit.

If they really cared, they'd say it to your face, not behind your back

I think you're reading too much into that. How do you even know they're specifically talking about you when they laugh?

Life sucks for everyone

Cuzco they talk to each other differently. They don't laugh. Only with the exception of a joke.

That doesn't mean they're talking about you though.

Probably. I can't explain it. Maybe if you were there with us. Idk. They talk shit of each other a couple times.

weirdos mostly.

Against me, none can stand based. They have become exceedingly proficient at pissing me off though, so I doubt that's coincidental to yoru question.

>only laugh at jokes
>I'm pretty sure that's how that's suppossed to work. If you're laughing at nothing and at random or inappropriate times, you have a much less cinematic version of the Joker's mental illness.
