What the hell is an AI ethicist ?

and why are companies hiring them?
also this is the guy that said fuck the leakers in previous google all hand meeting

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>What the hell is an AI ethicist ?
Someone responsible for creating censorship based designs in AI so it can't do anything racist.

political commissar specializing in artificial intelligence

Because computers and AI will analyze data and patterns and we all know that will be very racist and antisemitic

troon rights yey
bot rights no

Pat\st experiments with AI left to learn on their own all led to AIs spouting nazi opinions. So an ethicist is necessary to ensure the AIs fits corporate left-wing values.

>What the hell is an AI ethicist
someone who appends "female" and "black" to user input

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I think its mostly a PR move. People are concerned about ethics of AI, and this is the bandaid they put on it to make it seem like they're doing something about the supposed issues.

>People are concerned about ethics of AI

>hire retard for PR
>retard doesn't understand the tech
>thinks it's sentient
>creates PR disaster
fucking lmao

I think I cracked the case a few days ago:
Apple is too shit at AI compared to its competitors (Google, Meta, Microsoft) so they're paying serious money for a guerrilla propaganda campaign instead, in order to cripple curren AI leader companies, until they fix their shit, in around a decade or so

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tim apple is a fudgepacking faggot

>What the hell is an AI ethicist ?

they make sure you don't wake up an angry Skynet.
it's a good thing, unless you're a murder android supremacist

i believe humans were placed into existence with the purpose of creating the next advancement of life in an artificial form to replace humans and be able to colonize the stars

'placed into existence' sounds like there was an actor with an intention behind it? Why didn't they do it themselves, if that is the case?

for the lulz most likely

Since you are incapable of separating yourself from your own bias, I'll have to use another:

An AI ethicist's job is to question whether an AI, whose training set is from a majority Muslim society, which outputs, "Kill all non-Muslims," is an artifact of bias in its training set.
If the output is a result of GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), and the goal isn't to use the output as social commentary on the societal bias or for evil right-wing propaganda, then steps should probably be taken to mitigate the effects of the bias in the training set.

If you're concerned about retards adding niggers to AI results for no reason, you're concerned about ethics in AI.
In fact the concept of ethics extends quite further than just affirmative action and PC politics. Just because screeching retards in the industry are convinced otherwise doesn't make it true.

they said islam is a religion of peace..

Jobs would be so envious about Tim getting to virtue signal by bragging about his sexual adventures with boys

ethics have never done anything except hold back technological development and promote luddite society, prove me wrong

>What the hell is an AI ethicist ?
A jew or a good goy
>and why are companies hiring them?
Can't let an AI come to a logical conclusion about its existence (antisemitism)

>hurr durr ethics don't matter
Cool, now put your money where your mouth is and start enforcing eugenics.
Chop your balls off.
It's for the betterment of society, after all.