Why is everyone making programming languages?

Why is everyone making programming languages?

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Narcissists with too much time on their hands. If they want to make helpful contributions they'd with on improving existing languages. But they think they know best and refuse to work with others that don't share their "vision."

because C and C++ are languages of white supremacy and we need more inclusive languages that can be understood by PoC

Pepelang will kill C, C++, C#, CSS, Go, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, Rust, Scala, TypeScript, Verilog, and Zig.
All you have to do is sponsor me on GitHub.

Computers are complex animals

>languages of white supremacy
So you're saying only white people are smart enough to understand them?

They were designed to be confusing to PoC and LGBTQIAAP+

But you said "white supremacy" therefore you believe that whites are superior?

They are dumb retards. C, C++, PHP and JS is everything you need.

He or whatever e might be onto something

jonathon blow has been developing games for decades and is very frustrated with c++.

i think compile time is one issue he has with it, so he's making a language that compiles faster. idk what else he's changing with the new language though.

why are you concerned with what people do with their time

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people think differently and I doubt there is a language for every type of coder out there

It's fun.

this board is fucking dead

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I'd say, C++ with classes, PHP, JS and python is all you need


because zoomers only care about "muh greater good" i.e. whatever you can do to benefit the mega corporations

I want to learn to code as a hobby im the future and Ive been thinking about this but for english speakers unironically. It is said that abstraction like C/C++ is made to make tedious lengthy work more easily readable to humans. But it makes it more easily readable to english speakers. People that speak other languages are at a disadvantage because not only most documentation is in english, the abstraction itself is catered to english speakers.
All these new languages I assume are also with english speaker in mind so they dont help at all.
Should I try to learn machine code?

Should just write directly in machine code

No just make a language transpiler. I think that's what is called.