She was fat and then she died

She was fat and then she died

Attached: 1653005134561.gif (500x282, 1.29M)

in that order?


Guy in the white behind the car drops but the barrel never aims anywhere near him. Noodles the noggin a bit don't it

It was a collateral. You never played COD?

falling down from shock or pretending to get winged is possible

it was an actor who went down to make the kill count seem higher for the news. You don't die from a shooting unless a bullet hits you and the bullet goes where the barrel is pointing. that barrel isnt pointing towards him at any frame of the video, and it aint gonna ricochet out of the woman

All of the “victims” had COVID. They died of COVID.


Fake no blood

dude is a terrible shot. what a faggot

Ah yes, another keyboard warrior. "In the case of getting attacked out of nowhere with ultra violence, I would stay calm and reasonable and every choice I would make would be easy to follow".

Meanwhile in reality: "OMFG Someone is shooting, better drop down as fast as I can so he won't shoot me". You would do the same, faggot.

Did the guy die? No? Guess what, if he would have remained upright, he would have.

Just one more paragraph to piss the reddit spacing faggots off.

>Fake no blood
This. I watched a Japanese gore movie last night and there was blood spraying everywhere.


Go back.

Oh the irony

Attached: 5146C3E4-930C-4A9D-858A-80DC598A7923.jpg (1024x847, 91.85K)

Fake. No blood, guy fell down, shooter's boots didn't fit properly and there was an orb in the frame (ghost).

Heyward Patterson was helping people load groceries into their trunk. He would give rides to-from the grocery store. I believe he was at least shot at while on the ground, and potentially again once he made it back to his truck where he was found.

lmao worked

where can i see the full video?

2nd this, havent seen it anywhere

you just saw 50% of it