Why arent there more based billionaires that help make this world a better place?

Why arent there more based billionaires that help make this world a better place?

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God this fanboy cringe is becoming vomit inducing

all whites are based user

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Go to youtube
In search bar type: Debunking Elon Musk
Watch video
Be disillusioned

tesla fanboys wish they could choke on muskys cock like you fags

Not OP but I'll do this

It's a constant war between the mega rich. It's not worth the time

you think this degenerate has made the world a better place?

If he’s so rich how come he can’t afford better plastic surgery?

He hasn't done anything particularly beneficial even though he used to say he would

Generous billionaire is a grift that is unsustainable long term for the same reason ponzi schemes are unsustainable in the long term.

You get assassinated by homosexuals and the jewish press.

>implying this WEF cocksucker is one.
Get a fuckin clue faggot.

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Purely biased and brainwashed take. You will turn on anyone they tell you to. That's no way to live, boyo.

He isn't based. He's pretending to be to make money. You don't get that rich whilst having a soul and keeping your humanity.

Basically because all billionaires are fucking sociopaths who stole their wealth, and they don't generally care about people. If you earned a million dollars per year, a high salary justified only by highly specialized, productive work, it would take you a thousand years to earn your first billion. As the saying goes, "behind every great fortune is a great crime."

you really know fuck all whats going on do you, fucking clown, this moron you so much admire, is doing the complete opposite, he has polluted the world with his electric cars (they use shit ton resources to make and maintain) using shit ton of rocket fuel for his past failed rocket launches, embraces cheap slavery in China and says they world should take note i mean i could go on and on but here you are, splurging about how this fucking moron is your idol, you really are out of touch op

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based on what?

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>embraces cheap slavery in China
My already high opinion of the man just skyrocketed.

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how is he "based"?
Morons like you believe his vaporware bullshit

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non of what he done suppressed their free speech in any way? they can still post whatever they want, he just doesn't need to see it himself now?

No fucking balls user. Bunch of pussies afraid of getting suicided. Figure they have it good the the elites will allow them to be part of their 500k population control.

Stay in school!

fuck off, kike tranny ywnbaw kys

What dude blocking people has nothing to do with free speech
This guy is a cuck and his wife probably convinced him that her fucking black dudes helps the relationship

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I thought blocking trump was not free speech

>You can speak, but nobody will ever hear you, so I am technically not interfering with your speech.

Ahh yes, he is all about fixing climate change right?

Attached: musk care about the environment.png (1622x756, 287.99K)

Rocket fuel isn't gasoline, retard.

Was banning 45 from twitter a 1A violation, Y/N?
The kinds of people who think Musk a free speech champion also think Twitter/FB/MySpace shouldn't be allowed to ban people for saying nigger.

1A does not apply to private entities. Are you a communist?

"Truth" Social

Lol either trolling or just this ignorant

They banned trump so he had no more free speech, if you didn’t like him you could just not look or better yet block him so you never have to see his face which are both personal choices ie: FREEDOMS

But that’s how you commies like it, force them to disappear. Ya they do that in Russia and China 1000’s of people disappear every year because they tried speaking freely but again that’s how you commies like it your way or the concentration camps all under the guise of caring compassion for minorities

lol trumps still butthurt he got b& from twitter

jew bots zog bot world control is fundamental to their unsound genes. View others as people or do not.

Becouse usually one does not become a billionair with skills but selling to the establishment. Look at zukenberg: he had a solid base, but in order to really push his luck sold hikself to the left religion.

No, user. I agree. I was just checking to see if you're a retard.
Social media platforms banning people isn't a 1A issue at all. No one is entitled to a private entities' platform, any more than I am entitled to put up a billboard on your lawn.
Ironically, the government forcing social media platforms to unban people would be a gross violation of 1A.

Carry on, non-retard user.

(But Musk is a cunt who manufactured his image as an inventor rather than an investor. An investor he is; an inventor he ain't.)

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Free speech means THE GOVERNMENT can't suppress your exercise of speech. It doesn't say the private company, Twitter, can't dump your ass for using lies to try and start Civil War II, dipshit.

USA need a monarchy for the after time. he should start a new one for the USA. He has seven kids and will sire seven more