Imagine making this selfie. Does he regret it or not? Think he knows about Any Forums?

Imagine making this selfie. Does he regret it or not? Think he knows about Any Forums?

Attached: 6C47E039-7B78-4A14-829F-D3579FA7B111.jpg (1200x1550, 317.22K)

He probably returned to his Amish commune after taking this.

This pic is weapons grade oy-veynium.

he knows.
sad really

I hate people who do not know the difference between "your" and "you're".

Yeah, one of those Rumspringa party kids, before the Amish become adults in their communities, I think.

What if his friend is with someone? Then he used the correct your, though i doubt that's the case.

In that case he forgot the apostrophe in "friend's".

He could also use a comma in his sentence, regardless of the "your". Just not a very good attempt at the English overall


Look at that fuckin' schnozz.

well if he still talks to any of his racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic friends, maybe one of them told him about us?

Zoomers have atrocious English. They learn about how evil the US and white men are in school, not the actual; basics.

He's actually a pretty good sport. I spoke to him briefly once. He's aware of how he looks and is good natured about it

wanna share how you met him?

Maybe he was talking about a group of his friends, who just happened to be standing with someone. Like "when your friends over there", except it's "when your friends with Mike" but he doesn't know Mike, so to him Mike is just "someone"

I drew a caricature of him and found his Twitter to show him. He really liked it despite how extremely jewy he looked

>boomer brings up zoomers out of nowhere
The guy in the pic is a millennial.

Attached: 1591928899174.png (790x605, 728.73K)

Is he actually jewish? Or does he just happen to have the merchant nose?

I don't think he's actually Jewish. Just unfortunate

Had the pleasure of meeting him at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.

was he raising money to get a rhinoplasty so he can have a human sized nose?

Just searched Google for my old caricature of him, but I can't find it. It used to get reposted quite a bit. It's a shame because I was quite proud of it, even though I drew it on mspaint with a mouse