Why are right wingers so susceptible to disinformation and psyops...

Why are right wingers so susceptible to disinformation and psyops? Where as liberals are more geared towards facts and logic. Can you even name one liberal “conspiracy”?

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>Can you even name one liberal “conspiracy”?
Critical race theory: The theory that somehow white people have conspired together to suppress everyone who isn't white
The Patriarchy: The theory that somehow all men have conspired together to suppress women

Except, that did happen.

Name one “conspiracy” that haven't come true

Why didn't I get invited to the conspiracy meetings?

as an actual leftist, not a stupid liberal, you are correct.

Define leftist and liberal please.

>be liberal
>believe literally every stupid, unsubstantiated idea the West ever invented
>call others disinformed
0/10 bait too obvious

What are a few of those unsubstantiated ideas you speak of?

i can explain to you what i mean, definitions are for idiots who will argue about technicalities online for hours.

liberals are retards and faggots wasting their time in stupid bullshit like forcing sex change on kids and signing petitions against using plastic cups.

i'm more interested in taking power from the rich and political class through community organizing, unions, laws that help the poor instead of the rich. i am interested only in the betterment of the working class.

So you basically have formed your own retarded definitions. That makes sense. Carry on.

Because you weren't alive, retard.

guessing you're a liberal fag who doesn't really care about the working class and spends all your time deluding yourself about being a women (you will never be one)

No. Whatever helps you sleep at night though.

why would you being a mentally ill person would help me sleep at night?

>Where as liberals are more geared towards facts and logic
Yeah, a lot of logic behind letting boys use the girls bathroom

Because it allows you to dismiss me intellectually without actually knowing the first thing about where I stand in reality.


where do you stand then?

Based, I am conservative and I approve this message.

He's a liberal, he doesn't stand for anything

easy, that trump wasn't president and for 4 years we had to hear daily how he was gonna be impeached and removed cause Russia rigged the election. then they immediately broke their head the other way to say how Biden is a legitimate president. if Russia DID hack the election for D.T. then they definitely did for J.B

I'm very moderate.
For small government
Against illegal immigration
Against corporate welfare

But sure, I'm just a colored hair twitter libtard

How bright can you be if you swallow that trickle-down horseshit?