I took a lsd square 42 minutes ago and still don't feel anything...

I took a lsd square 42 minutes ago and still don't feel anything, how much I need to wait and any advices or tips for my trip please anons

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just wait. don’t take more, trust me

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Ok user but how much I already took it45 minutes ago and I didn't eat a lot today

If it's been sitting in plastic, a lot can get absorbed into the plastic bag. Try licking the inside of the bag as well

i’ve had acid come on in 20 minutes, i’ve also had acid come on in 2 hours regardless of how much i ate. if you don’t feel it at all at like an hour and a half then it’s either bunk or NBOME. good luck man

user pray it's not nbome

if op ate the tab then they should be good because it’s not orally active. otherwise…. yeah nbome is no fun at ALL

Take some vitamin C asap!! now's the perfect window for it!!

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thats not true

I’ve taken blotter paper acid before and not started really tripping until about three hours. Completely thought it was fake. There’s a lot of depending factors, the potency of the acid, if you took it on a full stomach or not. 42 minutes is nothing.

Just hand on, did you put it under your tongue or just swallow it straight away?

Don't do this it will kill the acid completely

Whats NBOME and why does it suck?

cheap chem sold as acid, gives shitty trips

it’s put on tabs instead of acid to mimic it. the one problem is that it can actually be deadly. the one time i took it my heart felt like it was going to explode + the fucky headspace made for a terrible time

I've had hallucinogens take several hours to come on. Take a chill walk in nature or something, it'll come.

If it kicks in after 2 hours its DOB

I’ve had to wait a couple hours before too. If it’s been an hour go outside for a walk the sun and blood flow will help get things going

Bruh, who even sells nbome anymore? 1P-LSD was far more common years ago.

.. I'll elaborate and say that I've had confirmed LSD take 2 hours for the first effects.

retards that dont even know what they are selling

this is fairly common

You still need someone to produce it, and with the legal status there's no point in producing it anymore. Any old stock is pretty damn decayed at this point. Of course user could get a 5-10 year old tab with literally nothing left on it, but the chances are slim.

Exactly my point. I've never once had LSD hit me in less than 55 minutes.

All acid today is synthetic junk. I've had real LSD from the late 80s to late 90s that actually made you trip 16hrs. you kids have no clue what real acid is.