Trans is fake

trans is fake

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it's a psyop

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Christianity is fake too, doesn't stop anybody.

>fake vagina
>no ovaries
>can’t get pregnant
>fake boobies
>boobies no milk
Lmao indeed!

Jesus did masturbate why not us?

Transgender does not against Christianity so fuck off you mormon fag!

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God doesn't like faggots- killed a whole city of them. What do you think he'd do to faggots that mutilate thier bodies in an attempt to subvert His will?

Imagine letting trannies live rent free in your head

the 15 year old militant atheist edgibois just can't stop talking about jesus.

christians aren't trying to get into anyone's bathroom you fraud

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Mormon fag answer me:

1) How did God having sex with Virgin Mary to get a holy Jesus born?

2) How long is God’s penis? Less or longer than 4 inch?

3) What is God’s skin colour? Black or White?

A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

>Deuteronomy 22:5

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

>Leviticus 20:13

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>1) How did God having sex with Virgin Mary to get a holy Jesus born?
you assume God had to have sex at all and didn't just magic Jesus into her womb. Stop assuming

>2) How long is God’s penis? Less or longer than 4 inch?
>3) What is God’s skin colour? Black or White?
You assume God's form and attrributes are static. Stop assuming.

>If [my random assumption], then [non-sequitur] therefore your beliefs are stupid!
the depth of the 15 year old athest... we've all been there, bud. You'll grow out of it.

Lol hypocrite Christian missionary. I bet they secretly masturbating while watching porn when nobody around XD

Just the pants of little boys

I'm pretty sure it was magic.

I'm not a christian you disgusting faggot.

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My conspiracy theory is that the modern transgender movement is a psyop by big pharma and medical providers to have elective gender reassignment surgeries deemed "medically necessary" and have the state fund / force insurance companies to fund them.
Uncle Sam has deep pockets, as do insurance companies. It's all about money.

sounds GAY bro.

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Sounds about right for the church goers

You're retarded.
School molestation and church molestation (less common) were both done by undiscovered gays.

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troons suck but christcucks shouldnt throw stones because they fuck kids and animals

OP here, I don't really know what mormonism is other than it's some mutt thing I think

seethe more tranny

It's a tricky subject and shouldn't be argued as such. It's less about trans rights and more about hetero normative (cis) opportunity. Trans people have been proposing that they be seen s equal in the law to people who are born in the gender they would choose, given the opportunity. If a man or woman is born into a shape that would handicap them for life they would happily choose to have corrective surgery to fix nature's error; be it a missing limb, non working organs, damaged nerves, hetero normative people can choose to have surgery to correct the problem with very little opposition, so long as they can afford to do so. Trans people just want that basic opportunity to have surgery to correct a mistake of nature without opposition. Would you deny a child, born without a nose and upper lip the opportunity to have reconstructive surgery to help her live a normal life?

who does what genderbro?
Are you engaging in religious discrimination right now?

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You're equivocating delusion with physical deformity. Medical procedures that entertain and legitimize that delusion benefit no one but the doctor.

not a tranny sorry
>are you
yes. religion is retarded propaganda, just like the TQ+

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Reconstructive plastic surgery, is for the benefit of the patient as well as the doctor.