Makes a new programming language

>makes a new programming language
>still puts the variable type AFTER the name

why, google, why

Attached: file.png (270x134, 24.66K)

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Because it's objectively superior.


That's the correct way to do it. You don't know anything about language design.

HOF variables.

Maybe, but every other language does it the other way around, and any benefit you get from doing it the 'objectively superior' way is going to be far outweighed by all the times you're going to accidentally do it the way you're used to.

>but every other language does it the other way around,
That's wrong though. Many modern languages like Go, Kotlin, TypeScript, are recovering from the cnile cancer.

Python does it

python doesn't have type annotations you fucking incompetent nocode retard

actually, retard, python doesn't do it. Those are type hints, not strict types. Saying "var ballz: int" is more verbose and far less elegant than just saying "int ballz". Why is this such a hard concept for you niggers to understand is beyond me

>arrow operator to define function return type


I see no problem

>"new language from the ground up unshackled by the limitations of c++"
>looks exactly like every single other "c++ killer"
Why does this keep happening

Attached: 1649024629052.jpg (508x417, 41.96K)

>tranime poster
>complete and utter unironic faggot
Why does THIS keep happening?

im assuming because that's how typescript is and typescript is clearly going to be top dog in only a few years.

dilate bruce, you use a tranny desktop, a tranny language, and a tranny os yet blame it on chinese cartoons

>fn main() -> i32
>i32 main()
what makes one better than the other?

>Visit anime website
>Sees anime picture
>Immediately thinks of trannies
Who's the real faggot here?

You will never be a woman.

Attached: 1568107856596.jpg (1024x636, 137.53K)
this thing is pretty much DOA, but check how happy this guy presenting it is. its giving me some strange feelings


heck yes sister! rust isn't full of trannies!

>var s: auto
instead of [type] [name]
auto s
why didn't they get rid of the semicolon

Why is this in any way bad?
"type name" is cnile brain damage.

That becomes unreadable the moment you return higher order functions

>be tranny
>cut off your dick
>make a language with var v:type syntax
america is cancer that needs to be removed from this earth

>make a language with
>var v:type
What's supposed to be wrong with it?

which one?

the cnile way

based progenitor of undeniable facts and logic

You can tell Any Forums is full of substandard programmers because the most common complaints for any language are always the most low IQ bikeshedding tier complaints.

"I dislike how variables are declared"
"I can't stand significant whitespace"

etc, etc, instead of any meaningful discussion around actual semantics or useful features of the language themselves.

cope, you can't show an example because you know it's the right way

i dont use any of these because im not 12 anymore