Redpill me on how to get rich

Redpill me on how to get rich .

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you won't

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Cringe, but also probably peak Any Forums

The blackpill is that you've already missed your chance.

steal it dumb nigga

You sell rare fish, that's how.

Attached: Le-Fishe.jpg (200x150, 7.74K)

take a loan, put that money in a brokerage, take leverage, put it on an asymmetric risk-to-reward option position. Do it twice successfully and you're rich, if you fail then just kill yourself.

Also college can help sometimes but only if you pick a practical degree

become a garbageman in the richest area near you

they get paid a ton because no one wants to deal with garbage then you can also get all the stuff the rich people throw out and re-sell it

Spend less than you earn. Save the difference. Invest in boring total US market index funds. Avoid meme stocks, crypto and other too-good-to-be-true speculative endeavors.

From what I hear all the rich people seem to make their money mainly through being a parasite and through playing what are in a sense financial games. Neither providing a service or product.

Buy all the lottery tickets you can to increase your chances

>NPCs having the green "currently played sim" thing over the head
>the non NPC having no green thing over the head indicating he is an NPC
you had one job

i dont get it

buy a bunch of $ADA. hold it for 5 years. it won't moon that soon, but it will when it does.

you know the NPC meme right? well the green thing over the NPC's heads in the image aren't suppossed to have that green thing above their head because it's exclusivgely for the current played sims.

This will work great, like Luna did.
Or, you know, go directly to a casino. It's gambling either way.

Buy potatos
Fry hte potatos
Sell the potatos
Get richbwhit teh fryed potatos money

go to college, get a degree, do paid internships, build a network, and use it to find a job. work your way up from there.

only you matter
everyone else dont know shit about the future, we all should be listening to you
but no one listened to you so thats why you're here on a indonesian basket weaving site

in a three year period i went from making 45k to 160k and now i'm making even more.

Honestly the odds are better at casinos

nerd get a life

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The player characters have the green diamond, the NPC's don't

It is backwards


be born into the right family

He was fucked from the start

Attached: wrong.jpg (500x420, 21.88K)

Go to bes, Jeremy

suck my dick faggot

>Redpill me on how to get rich .
Odds are, you can't get crazy rich (like Bezos or Gates).
But if you live frugally and work a worthwhile job, you can get rich enough to not worry about money.
Some tips:
- Don't spend money you don't have. No credit cards, loans, etc. Only exception would be your mortgage.
- Live frugally. You can enjoy yourself without buying expensive shit you don't need.
- Find a well paying job. I mean, why would you work for less than average money?
- Invest in boring things (like the SP500), and only what you can afford to lose. If it sounds exciting, it's a bad investment.