If there's a down syndrome, there must be an up syndrome. It's the law of polarity...

If there's a down syndrome, there must be an up syndrome. It's the law of polarity. How does one go about discovering this mystery syndrome?

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Up syndrome is just everyone who doesn't have down syndrome.

Well from the down perspective we're up.
Checkmate atheists.

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Down syndrome is when you have one extra chromosome, so up syndrome must be when you have one fewer chromosomes.

So then it's turner syndrome?


It's named after the guy who first described it you moron.

what's up syndrome?


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Yeah you turn away from down syndrome

not much wbu

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I suppose

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Up syndrome is when you have permanent boner

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Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Unexpectedly good thread. This thread exceeds the quality normally expected of a b-tard. I hope you are ready to make up for this error in the future.

You just blew my mind. I will now be on the look out for signs of superior functioning individuals like you.


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>like a baws

It's called autism

For the knuckle dragging neanderthals in this thread:
The syndrome is named after British doctor John Langdon Down, who fully described the syndrome in 1866.

But what about the up syndrome