You pay ATTENTION to this fucking drug addict?!

You pay ATTENTION to this fucking drug addict?!

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Sorry. Not beautiful, And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.

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ive never watched or heard a single thing from this guy and i dont plan on it

lol fuck his wife looks like a troon

yah he's a genius and he's based af. go clean your room you dirty little soy cuck.

he's really not that unreasonable. he just has a few opinions here and there that don't echo ultra leftist sentiments. i don't agree with everything he says but holy shit the stuff he says is relatively mild... i dont understand how he's so controversial

> based af.
> drug addict
> married to a troon

i cleaned my room because of him

yes, i read his book. very based guy, he makes libtards go apeshit.

>i dont understand how he's so controversial
>emotionally unstable drug addict

>makes libtards go apeshit.
via induced comas in russia due to his fucking debilitating drug addiction? Dude, you got me, I'm fucking owned.

no - he's boring even though he's on drugs.

i think now more than ever people want to consume other peoples opinions so much as a form of self-programming that we forgot to stop and think what made them qualified to inform us in the first place? the world is so full of talking heads and youtubers i mostly just ignore it when i see it because most of it is just "content"

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

by not calling them their pronouns.

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kill yourself faggot, did you understand that?

Former drug addict.
I haven't read his books, but I've seen him on JRE. I don't have much to say about him in general, but he's correct about the abject insanity of Western academia. I appreciate how memeable he is.

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> kill yourself faggot,
Why would I? I'm not a fucking degenerate drug addict like Peterson.

His published work on grandmotherly relations are fascinating.

Attached: jordan petersons grandma dream.jpg (632x336, 87.18K)

>Former drug addict.

Jordan Peterson wishes he were Chris Chan

Did you have something other than juvenile keyboard mashing to contribute?

Do you have something in your life other than posting on Any Forums like meOOOOOOOHHHHH I GUESS NOT MOTHERFUCKER

Not that user, but as a current (and damned near life-long) benzo addict, JP is not in any way recovered.

I was genuinely thinking that earlier today, actually. A worse version of CC, but same idea. They have about the same grasp of reality.

>Do you have something in your life other than posting on Any Forums like me
You mean apart from fucking your mother?
Do you mean that as a benzo addict you believe it's a lifelong addiction, or that as a benzo addict you have insights into Peterson that make you believe that he's still using?

> You mean
Holy fuck dude, This is like grade school level replies.
> lifelong addiction,
All addictions are lifelong you fucking mong. Do some fucking reading, apart from hentai.

>Do you mean that as a benzo addict
I meant my own addiction has been nearly my whole life at this point. Much longer and more serious than JPs. Just mentioned that for reference purposes. So I guess the latter of your question, except I said "hasn't recovered" rather than "stopped using" specifically. You can have ill-effects even when not using. Recovery takes time and effort. Neither of which he's put in. And no, experimental Russian comas don't count.