Why do pajeets love this shit so much

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it does the needful

"Jawa" probably sounds cool in pajeetspeak. Maybe it sounds a bit like an Indian word so they gravitate towards it.

they love anything that's lets them make more than poverty wages in their shithole country

Because it's objectively the most flexible language out there.

Only acceptable Java is CORE JAVA by Mr. DURGA Sir

Oracle's shilling as an easy to pick up lang.

They don't, it's just what they are taught at ITT or wherever and then hired to code on. So of course they encourage it because it gives them job security.

The idea of OOP was that smart people cold write the specifications plus a few tests and code monkeys just have to implement something through trial and error that passes all tests.

This is how all large Java projects are made.

>Why do pajeets love this shit (...)
There's your answer. It's a steaming mug of shit.

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Why exactly are they doing this?

if you're Indian it's a rite of passage
if you're white it's because it's a based language

but graalvm is faster than go

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I've seen helloworld tests between GraalVM and Go which contradicts the one you show in the graph. GraalVM used 1.4 times more memory.

Worth it not to not have to deal with go

graal vm commercial license is bad though

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It puts food on their plate, simple as that.

do the needful sir
don't forget to share the link

Can someone with a job in this thread propose a better language for actual software development?

I know there are lots of meme languages that are more fun for toy projects.

Tell me what you mean by better.