Help anons, my girlfriend is passed out drunk. What do

Help anons, my girlfriend is passed out drunk. What do

Attached: W0bjo5e.jpg (3264x2448, 606.79K)

Stop posting this stale pasta. Sage faggot

return it to the ocean

Shit on her

save that whale and throw her back in the water

Record yourself while you undress her, rape her and post it here

roll her back into the ocean with the rest of the whales

show us her armpits

Use the harpoon!

Ye hav slain moby dick

harpoon it

Show her holes and tits already matey

The crew be waiting while it be bad luck ter have a woman at sea, pussy is pussy ye see

So open her clam show her butt we will help you with your wife the slut

That is your call to make...

Throw her in the water and see how big a splash that whale makes.

Is that a Sperm Whale?

what do we do with the drunken sailor
what do we do with the drunken sailor
what do we do with the drunken sailor
early in the morning

Show a pic from another angle, bitch tits

Attached: sperm whale.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

Photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels

Mount that benched whale
