Putin will declare general mobilization soon and he will destroy Ukraine and NATO. Seriously...

Putin will declare general mobilization soon and he will destroy Ukraine and NATO. Seriously, do you really think that americans and their servants can defeat an invasion army of 144 million people? Russia will win.

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You think so, Ivan?

how can Puting declare a mobilisation, when the Russian law only gives that possibility in case of a war or preparation for a war. And russian claims there is no war right now.

more likely he's going to die of whatever is rotting him from the inside.


>russian claims there is no war
urinen zelenskiy claims the same

>implying the next putin will be a biden-tier retard

I dunno, if Putin can’t beat a bunch of farmers with his tanks then he’s kinda fucked with next gen stealth bombers coming his way

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If he mobilize you will literally face an invasion army of 144 millions soldiers storming your territories. How do you plan to defeat them?

they could barely supply 100k troops with basic things like food and ammo.
they've lost almost 30k
their weapons are old, poorly maintained and outdated
any of the new tech is nothing more than a show pony

We are already making great progress comrade!

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lol 144 million DISGRUNTLED AND UNMOTIVATED soldiers being driven forth like slaves for fear of being executed by their own commanders. When you subtract out the cannon fodder, the desertion, disease, starvation (because you dumb Russians can't into logistics) and then surrender monkeys, you're left with a lot less.

More importantly, Putin dares not mobilize because he'd be overthrown in no time. What we're witnessing is the panicked and impotent flailing of a dying man who is desperate to secure his place in history as some mighty leader.

my fucking sides

Russia can’t even defeat Ukraine. The US would have had Ukraine in full surrender in a month tops.

Holy trips.

Millions of farmers armed with the latest weapons and financed by the West.

Still shocked the Ruskies didnt tear through the Ukraine, but obviously corruption runs so deep there that their military is a fucking joke. The Taliban is better equipped then Russia.

nice try, Ivan.
Go back to dreaming.

> Russia will win
Technically true? Every Ruzzian Orc getting killed on the Frontline is one less Rapist and Murderer roaming his own Country. Additionally at the end of this War, Putin will die, be it through his Cancer or something else, and the Russian People are finally rid of that old Psycho

This. Especially if it had been Trump in charge right now. America would have taken Ukraine within a fortnight under Trump. Biden is a peace time leader. Trump is a natural war time leader.

Trump is just a moron. A great president in this times would be admiral McRaven

>natural war time leader
what fucking evidence do you base that on? His fire and fury tweets?

If the Russians were more motivated to fight then they would have crushed Ukraine even with all the weaponary Britain has supplied Ukraine with. 1 trained and motivated russian soldier is worth at least 10 European soldiers

>and he will destroy Ukraine and NATO

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144million? Yeah fucking right, im gonna go ahead and guess 99.98% of them want putin fucking dead.

You can't tell me that going into a war you wouldn't rather have Trump leading you in ? Trump is a leader of MEN. Biden is a great peace time leader though.

1 Ukrainian Farmer is worth at least 100 ruzzian soldiers.

Putin is very popular good in Russia he is good caring leader

I'll bite, but have no where to start, as none of that is possible, and any hypothetical is too far to stretch, in reality however, Russia has no military potential, their doctrine and equipment is still early Cold War era, mildly upgraded, and hasn't worked against a much smaller neighboring military with similar doctrine and technology, like it or hate it, the US proved on more than one occasion that they're the primary, if not the sole, nation capable of fighting a war. Even without the technology, US logistics have proven far superior, hell fuck it, they've outright worked in comparison to Russian logistics in Ukraine.

There's just no contest, the US by it self is very capable, and importantly, they can fund it. Which brings me to China which couldn't, but did so anyway because it very well knows how it looks to the idiots who currently run the west. In reality after just a month of tariffs the PLA crumbled and the sole reason anyone mentions China as a potential USSR-equivalent, is because they've deep down accepted that Russia is gone.

Russia miscalculated, thought the Ukrainians would roll over after the blitzkrieg, but just like with Barbarossa, it failed to accomplish it's goal(s), and that only motivated it's rivals to fight harder.

Yeah. 'cos you know, Russia v Ukraine on their own is just going -so- well....

Man China must be freaking out that they saddled up with Putin.

Honestly even as someone who hates Russia I honestly thought they would send the Ukraine back to the stone ages.

Russian soldiers aren't getting killed in battle, they're dying from embarassment.

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Trump is a leader of fools who mistake his bluster for toughness. In times of war, you want a cool, rational leader, not some ALLCAPS tweeting fool.

This, though it's also a bit scarry if he just loses all hope. If he realizes he will be dead within the week, he may just decide to nuke Ukraine in a angry tantum. Even if we retaliate and kill him, it's just a couple hours lost. It honestly keeps me up at night.

Learn2war user

Putin is hated in all of Russia, thats why the cancer-ridden old idiot is hiding in his bunker


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Bloke couldn't even manage coup of the country he was running...

the entire russian military is paint over rust. we're going to nuke you vodka snorting beady-eyed slav fucks. I'd say nuke you into the stone age but you're already there. we'd end up nuking you forward into the bronze age.

Half will be crashing into each other and the other half will be recording it for social media. That is all Russia is good for anymore.

ROFL. If Putin is so hated then why do so many people vote for him? Just because YOU don't like him doesn't mean that millions of others don't like him as well

Kek. Russian forces are getting dominated in Ukraine. They couldn't handle another country stepping in much less NATO. Cope harder.

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144million dumb, un supplied, un motivated, raping, peasants.

Sounds easy to destroy,

The people of Russia will burn from a thousand fires I'f they take 1 more fucking step.

No one has seen the wrath of good since WW2. You have all forgotten, the day will come.

I mean, Ukraine has really shown how flaccid and impotent Russia really is. The state of their military is hilariously deplorable. They may as well be on horse back with lances and swords at this point. The Russia that was feared during the Cold War is gone. Now it's a meme. The internet is full of Ukrainian farmers stealing tanks and artillery. Russia thought it could put on its big boy pants, and then promptly shit them.

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Before Ukraine I was actually a little scared of Russia and their 'mighty army"...but now we all know they are a total joke

I agree with them both. There is no war. If there was the second it started it would have done so with multiple high value target missile strikes not this one now and then as if they decide ten minutes after they (boots on the ground Russians) arrived and thought it might be a good idea. Second there would have and still would be a battle for air superiority and someone would have it one way or the other right now. Except there's been little to no air war and Russia has to be woefully out classing and well healed compared to Ukraine in this area. Asked why on many times on threads maybe one reasonable answer. Why and why?

>why do so many people vote for him

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It's over.

Yeah, cause 144mil will fight. Lay off vodka, Boris.

For some context, France was considered to have the best army in the world (yea look it up) pre-WW2 and the Germans destroyed them in 6 weeks.

Meanwhile Russia are being embarrassed by a third world country.

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Do you honestly believe a Dictator like Putin would allow an open and honest election? Of course not, it's rigged from the Start. Everybody knows that.

>Russia will win.
Kek because Russia did so well in Afghanistan and Chechnya right?