Like a punch to the gut

Like a punch to the gut.

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It must hurt you to see that, OP. But you and him wanted two different things. He wanted a future with a loving partner and you wanted an endless supply of black cock.

Where are the guests? I'll bet that girl is blind.

She just wanted the best genetics for her future children.

Why is it a punch to the gut for you OP?

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im consistently shocked at the number of faggots on this site that genuinely care

Black women just can't compete.

They're more likely to get divorced than any other demographic, and she married a chimp carrying chimp genetics and will have Mongoloid looking goblin offspring with a 90 iq at best.

Hope she likes black eyes and being a single mom.

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It’s okay OP. She wouldn’t have chose some fat, white, incel like you anyway.

>bone pressed
is this how whites cope?

Damn, she's hot.

Dude it’s just two people in love. Why do you have to act like such of queasy faggot?

Because evil mixers like you are destroying the world.

Race traitors must be exterminated.

why does that stupid fucking nigger get to marry one beautiful white woman while I only get sex paying a hooker??

Read what you wrote and there is your answer.

>if I pretend to be pathetic looser I can discredit the people I hate !
Every day that passes the closer I am to build a flamethrower and torch the nearest synagogue

two words: jew propaganda. My crush always refused me saying mean shit like ur fat and disgusting, stop stalking me weirdo and shit like that, then she settled with one of these apes just to spite me. But I know she’s been brainwashed and I forgive her, but she got nigger dick inside her so the jews have to pay for this

My wife is a big coalburner but hates blacks and would never date them

They're good for aggressive fucking and rutting. After she gets her nut she always just kicks em out lol.

No white girl actually marries blacks. They think they're gross/subhuman/pathetic. They marched to "save" them - do you think white girls are attracted to men that need help? No, they think they're weak and pathetic animals. Lol

This. What's the endgame with the roleplaying and general post they make? Do you think they're just a few guys or a group of organized people with an end goal? Pretty crazy how caught up and obsessed people get on either side of this shit.