Are nuclear bunkers worth having? Should there be a business centered around this?

Are nuclear bunkers worth having? Should there be a business centered around this?

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Its for skitzos

You do realize that if you survive the blast, your troubles are just beginning. How are you going to obtain your life's necessities in the long term?

I just am, ok?


just saying, faggot, are all the politicians and hyper rich "skitzos" ?

Go back to poorupe and get fucked by muslims

Vault-Tec stock is up so I suppose yes

This. Pray that the blast takes you out. The fallout universe is sugarcoated compared to what it would actually be like.

last a month, hopefully use it to figure out where the least hot zones are, then head for the least irradiated place you can find. nuclear bunkers are useless in a true MAD scenario, but that's extremely unlikely. that said, having a yacht and being 5 mins away from casting off when the button is pressed would be a better strategy in a full MAD scenario.

>You do realize that if you survive the blast, your troubles are just beginning. How are you going to obtain your life's necessities in the long term?
I'll try my best. The alternative is only acceptable for incels who haven't had a chance to fuck even before

Literally no-one:
You: have sex incels
How many incels live rent free in that tiny brain of yours?

Any Forums in 1982.

Not worth it.
It's all about cost and risk. A bunker is very expensive, and odds are you won't ever use it. Is it worth the cost for the very unlikely chance of you needing it? Especially taking into account you're still unlikely to survive after things settle down?
You might be thinking:
> yeah, it's expensive, but i'm not sparing any expense on survival
Well, sure, you can do it, but there are other things you can spend your money on, that are more likely to increase your lifespan. Pick a better investment than a bunker...

Whats even... the point, at that point.

Even a fucking bunker in space, ends in extinction. Your just gonna die neyway

Get a bunker, helpful for more than just the apocalypse. Gas attack? Bunker has air filtration, riots outside? Valuables can be stored in bunker. ATF looking for you? Bunker has illegal firearms. I’m looking for you? Bunker not so good.


They get raided sometimes, for real.

it's just a basic instinct user, if you don't wanna live why don't you just kys instead of waiting for a nuke?

Yes. You'll survive a month longer than others, or several months, then you die of starvation. Maybe years if you kill everyone around and steal their supply. The soil is simply not going to produce enough nutrients in the case of a nuclear winter, which will last for decades. You won't die from nuclear fallout, probably, but you will die simply from the cold.

At least it's a solution for global warming, I guess.

I mean.. the likelihood is that we’re not having some nuclear holocaust that wipes out the whole planet.

Big difference between a few missile strikes hitting targets in your area and the whole map being leveled.

We would likely have (if I’m remembering right) ~20 mins to take cover from a detected strike. And in the pretty small chance it actually touches the ground in the US, you’d only need to be properly sheltered for a few hours before you can jump in your car and get further from the blast site and away from fallout. It’s bad but not the insane apocalyptic scenario that bunkerfags predict will *definitely* happen. Not nearly as many rich people have a secret bunker as you’d think. That’s a movie script thing

I live in a rural area. Much better than a bunker:
> Better air quality, good for your health
> Nowhere near any nuke target, no need for bunker
> Lots of space, can store plenty of resources
> Already used to grow your own food

Why would I want a concrete coffin instead of living the life? And, if nukes never hit (which is the most likely scenario), I haven't wasted a dime.