You're given the chance to go back in time

>you're given the chance to go back in time
>you can never return
>you can take anything that can fit inside your 1981 DeLorean DMC 12

>where do you go, and what do you bring?

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I really only care about myself and going back only to be stuck without actually changing my future is useless.

I would go back to 1864 and give the south modern day rifles and launchers

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I guess i would go back to the dawn of creation, take a spacesuit and oxygen. Then just drift far enough away to get a couple of second glance at the energy dispersion as I'm literally killed by the most epoch thing that's ever happened in this timeline.

I'd go back to the 1930's or so and give the Japanese some modern hentai

throw this faggot back into the water

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I would bring a bag of diamonds, a coding textbook, 400 level history textbook and a modern laptop containing detailed scientific evidence of climate change and go back to post wwII America and tell them not to be shy with the nukes until we achieve a one world government. I would tell them everything we did wrong.

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>"hmmm yes good sir, yes indeed. Why don't you tell me more about these "plans" you have"

and that's when they kill you.

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Shit, probably at the earliest back to the 1910s to exterminate the Rothschild/Rockefeller bloodlines.

I would go back to before the crash that killed Princess Diana so I could set up a camera and get a really great action shot of a Royal half way to Hell. Probably win one of those faggot photo prizes like a Pulitzer or Emmy or something.
What’s an Egot?

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Fuck your mother in her high school bedroom and shit on her face. The one thing I won’t be bringing is condoms. She will probably die from cervical cancer caused by the futuristic HPV and who knows what other shit that didn’t exist 50 years ago. You will never be born. I’ll never go back in time? How does that work?

>Go back to 1000 A.D
>Slap Basil II in the face and tell him to have a fucking child.

Id only ever want to go back if it was my own self that also became younger while still having my present memories. Idk otherwise whats the point of 27 year old going back just to watch 15 year old me be a fag. The only useful answer is to go back in time 5 minutes to when i first read this post. Me and that timeline's me would both be on the same page and figure out a way to use having both of us to our advantage. Plus id totally suck my own cock.

>goes back in time to slap a man
Wow not even going to shit in your hand or anything first? You must be fun at your conversion camp

go when no ooga booga humans and live as Steve

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>goes back in time to slap a man
And tell him to have a child. Even if his son was a fuckup he couldn't nearly have been as big of a fuckup as Constantine 8 or his daughter Zoe.

>go to your parents bedroom the night they’re going to conceive you
>kill them with a shotgun blast to the head
>put their bodies in the trunk
>dump their bodies at your front door
where’s your god now?

didn't work, the thread is still here

probably 1520 china, Arabia, and west Africa. just so i can see how they were like before colonialism. the peak of their wealth and power

they're civilization's golden age. that would be cool

>the peak of their wealth and power

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