Fuck Tiktok

Is there a way to use this garbage app without compromising a lot of your data?

Attached: Tik-tok-logo-index.jpg (4375x2917, 564.21K)

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>is there a way to stick my dick in a garden mulcher without winning the darwin award?

the big brain way to use tiktok is to use a foss reddit frontend and wait for curated content to populate on the appropriate subreddits


Stop cooming fag

Just use a foss frontend for this subreddit

I don't know whether to say based or cringe.

this sounds like it defeats the purpose of tiktok, the purpose of tiktok is it shows you what you actually want to see,
doing this would show you what others want you to see

use bluestacks

>Avoid the data mining by install a virus

this also use github.com/libredirect/libredirect

why do you need to use tiktok, man?

Pedo's gotta pedo

use mpv

Yes, but unfortunately it makes you retarded regardless of you compromising your data or not.

Thank you anons.
Do you mind sharing your favorite cute and funny channels?

Ackhtually It's hebephile/ephebophile(aka a normal male).

Is hebephilia socially acceptable yet? I never got the memo.

>Is hebephilia socially acceptable
Not at all, current year society is as moralistic as ever and strong man/weak woman relationship in general is very haram cause womyn need to be stronk and independent. Not that I ever cared about what is socially acceptable.

Fuck off pedo boomer.

You want to use chink mass distraction tool without using chink mass distraction tool