Sega CD thread

Sega CD thread
Was it any good?
Best games for it

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Twas good. Wing Commander III.

night trap
tomcat alley
road avenger


I remember wanting this after having a pass of sonic cd, darn it was so good an the music. That death race against metal sonic.

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Ff6 adversary

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I think this needed at least 10 more rocking games to call it a success.
Console was a failure, perhaps should have been a new console supporting genesis

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I remember getting this bad boy as a kid. Was with my dad at a convention center thing in Hartford CT and somehow convinced him to get it for me. I got the pack that came with like 12 packed in games (mostly genesis combo discs and some "make your own music video" games).

From there I saved every penny to buy various titles for it that I still own/play to this day.

Ecco 1/2
Sonic CD
Earthworm Jim Special Edition
Lunar 1/2
Robo Aleste
Eternal Champions
Android Assault

Then when I got a little older and the FTP scene was big in the late 90's early 2000's I expanded my collection just to get rep in the bootleg scene (being a source of title rips). It wasn't until this point I got to enjoy stuff like Snatcher.

And of course there were lesser titles I enjoyed but aren't exactly top of the line.
Mansion of Hidden Souls
Rise of the Dragon
Road Avenger

In the end... the SCD is probably one of my all time fave consoles. It's old school enough to have a lot of nostalgia built in, high end enough to have more depth than many 16-bit carts had, and avoids a lot of the traps early 32-bit titles had with lackluster early 3d.

Of course there's the FMV games that everyone bitches about... but hell some of them are actually fun. Road Avenger is fucking awesome for example.


Oh, and the big thing that I loved as a kid. Being able to carry the games with me and listen to the soundtracks on my portable CD player. That probably was one of the biggest musical influences of my life. A lot of the games on the SCD just had amazing soundtracks.

Had a good a time with it but should have kept my snes though

Lethal Enforcers

I have a working segacd and the LE light gun. Shit is cash.

Great list of games

This one got pretty expensive now

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Not sure is good but there's a sequel to this one

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Soundtracks at that time were top notch, I had access to a sony discman, it was so cool

To anybody owning a sega cd today, it seems there is no copyright protection added to the system.
Allegedly you can just burn a rom in a clean cd and play.
Can anybody confirm this?

Yes, it is true.

As I said here:
I was involved in the FTP scene where I shared bootlegs back in the late 90s when consumer burners became common. Burning bootlegs was very common back then.


I love the console and I still have plenty on the list to play. I spent a lot on the games years ago (buying and renting) and I have a ton that I plan on playing via Launchbox.

I am still waiting for random cyberpunk tech to come out like slap patches to become the cool new way to do drugs after playing pic related.

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was called Mega-CD here and was announced but barely available. Amiga had a CD console that bombed too and tbh i think all consoles struggled until the PS1.

snes struggled?